Woman of Magic
“Oh woman of magic, charms, spells and strong love potions
will you make me a philtre to give Sarah Green a notion
to fall in love with me and to hold out her left hand
to do as I ask, to marry and wear my gold band? ”
“Tell me, does this Sarah Green know that you exist,
does she give you the eye that flutters so quick?
Does she move gracefully and glance over her shoulder,
smile and pucker her lips, or do something bolder? ”
“No, unfortunately she does none of these desirable things,
but each time I see her she makes my heart sing.
I see her in the village each day and in my dreams at night,
and if I can’t have her I will turn out my life light.”
“It appears to me that you are nothing but a lovesick fool,
how could this Sarah Green make you so drool?
But if I did spend time making you an extra special brew
what could you give me to make your wish come true? ”
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poem by Orlando Belo
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sophia’s Tale
It all began on a cold winter’s night
as another cloud blocked out the full moon's light.
The wind’s loud howling could have woken the dead,
it also kept me awake as I lay in my bed.
Thunder clapped and lightening flashed shadows around my room,
rain poured down bringing with it a fusty smell and a sense of gloom.
White and blue flashes blinded me as the wind howled out a groan,
my heart seemed to sink to deeper depths than I’d ever known.
As an almighty crack of lightening struck a tree near by
I heard the loud scream of a woman fade and die.
My window rattled as though someone wanted to come in,
I breathed easier when it stopped, but it started again.
I got up to draw the curtains and saw a shadowy face looking at me,
I drew them quickly, so he couldn’t see.
Soft taps on the window like that of a finger nail or claw
sent my heart to my stomach. Oh, did I lock the door?
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poem by Orlando Belo
Added by Poetry Lover
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Jack and Kath (long poem)
Jack Benbow and his younger sister Kath
went for a walk along a winding path.
This led them through some very high trees
past some bluebells and buzzing bee’s.
The birds sang their songs on this sunny day
as the children happily went their way.
Along the path they skipped and walked,
singing and playing as they talked.
They came across a clearing in the wood
where a sign pointed to Notsogood.
“What a funny name for a place, ” said Kath.”
“Yes, ” said Jack, “but it’s time to head back.
We’ll go back the same way as we came
and follow the path back home again.”
But the path led them deeper into the wood
and up to another sign to Notsogood.
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poem by Orlando Belo
Added by Poetry Lover
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