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Hebert Logerie

I Am Trayvon Martin Too (Speak Aloud, Be Loud...)

I am Trayvon Martin Too
Je Suis Trayvon Martin Aussi
Yo Soy Trayvon Martin Tambien
Mwen Se Trayvon Martin Tou

(Speak Aloud, Be Loud…)

Speak aloud, be loud, and raise the decibels;
So the deaf, and the racist imbeciles
Can hear the storms that are brewing
Over this sad, and unfortunate slaying
Of this young combatant, and innocent brother.
Ring the bells of Liberty from one corner
To the next corner of the globe to raise awareness,
And to inform the world of the meanness
Of 'a few want be' masters of the universe,
Of a few who shoot first and later converse.
If you are not a cop, you should not behave like one.
If you are not a judge, don't act like you can deliver justice.
If you are a false prosecutor, stay away from a true investigation.

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In Memoriam, the Greatest Love: Whitney

I was spending a few days with families in Houston,
When I heard of the abrupt passing of W.Houston,
Which came naturally as a shock.
Death always demoralizes the fibers of our heart.
Death always brings emotions that rock,
Break and devastate every part
Of our body and every ounces of our soul.
We can never fully describe the toll
That this mysterious phenomenon
Has on our lives. Death comes like a raging lion,
Faster than the speed of sound, way beyond
Our scientific and artistic imagination.
Death is a criminal that no one is fond
Of, and that no one likes to talk about,
However, death has a way of bringing people together,
It has a way of forcing us to express our bout
With love, which is the greatest desire,
The greatest feeling of emotions.
Love brings foes and friends together,
Love brings strangers and nations

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Presidential Honeymoon

(The First 100 Days)

While the honeymoon
Is still going on,
And in the late afternoon,
The whole world is looking at
Every detail like an inquisitive moon,
Like an aggressive and ferocious big cat,
All need to be patient, all need to understand,
All must cooperate, all must comprehend
That you have a very difficult job;
At times, you’ll have to make tough and ranching decisions,
You will undoubtedly be mobbed
By a vociferous press and you’ll be watched by many nations
Seeking for solutions that they cannot provide to their own people.
At a glance, the air changes from clear to blue and from blue to purple.
Your responsibilities are enormous,
And every one is looking for quick and easy solutions.
The universe knows that you are bright, generous,
Dedicated, and you are capable of solving hieroglyphic equations,

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When I first heard of this word, I wondered what that was.
I thought that was some types of onomatopoeia such as:
Click clack, pap pap, tap tap, crick crack, pouf puff,
And you get the idea. I thought that was kid’s stuff.
I was very wrong. It is something revolutionary.
It is a miracle; there, you find the whole planetary
Universe and more: the invented and the uninvented
Stuff. There, you can find out about everything,
About what the king ate last night and what happened
To that food; you get the idea. Don’t be a dingue.
I am not going to tell you the meaning of this word,
Go there and do your own search. My dictionary
Is now obsolete. My books are now archaic like the sword
Used to guillotine Joan of Arc. This is really visionary.
I feel like I am the Andy Rooney of poetry,
And I have to write about every imaginary
Feelings, every feather that touches the baby’s booty,
And about every crying infants under the shining sea.
Google is extremely potent and important
It is much more than we can fathom,

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The Sins Of President Obama

The first sin
Of this amazing man
Is his unconditional love for the American People,
The second, he saw the movie: Color Purple;
Help me count, he dared to dream and to hope,
He stayed away from booze and dope.
Black men were born to fail,
To linger, and to rot in jail;
This is unfortunately the popular belief
That Blacks should not be aspired to be chief
Executive Officer, Senator or President.
Brother Obama, who is not arrogant,
Proved the pelicans wrong;
They ought to change the tone of the old song.
They must allow the debt ceiling to be risen,
Other wise all of us will be facing a bad season.
It is business as usual; the rich will get richer,
And of course, the poor will be poorer.
Black men are strong
Mentally, physically,

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