John Denver
Many years ago in mid-October
Nineteen ninety seven,
A faulty aircraft fell to earth
Descending down from heaven.
The inexperienced pilot's life
Was taken at the scene...
His name, it was John Denver,
A music man supreme.
The world was overcome with shock
And filled with much despair,
John Denver's revered name will
always stay in mid-October air.
As a poet and great songster
With tenor voice like wine,
He made music for the millions
To last through endless time.
A Friend of Earth - Oh hunger not!
Just 'follow me where I go',
His lyrics were so beautiful
With Rocky-mountain flow.
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Natural Charm
Olivia, my darling Olivia,
my young voluptuous queen,
displaying your many assets
on the television screen.
I mean those natural assets,
your hair, your eyes, your smile,
viewers are attracted to programme three
and linger there awhile.
But time is taking quite a toll
on my darling 'work of art'...
now you are pictured on programme four
sliding down the chart!
O Olivia, liken to Sylvia,
I pray you'll not slide again,
a backward step to programme five
could bring your fans much pain.
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Double Suicide As Shakespeare Tells
'It took but one fleeting moment
And love glistened in your eyes.
With gentle allure you wooed me
And calmed me with lullabies.
A duet we sang together.
Do you recall the theme of love?
Paternal and maternal
Life's glory we were dreaming of.
But, farewell my love,
we are doomed...
why is it all ending like this?
Not even a goodbye kiss.'
Mark Antony:
I remember that fleeting moment
When my soul was hypnotised.
I fell in love with your beauty,
Your song brought tears to my eyes.
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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The Limerick
Edward Lear, poet and humorist
introduced the popular five-line
Limerick into England in the year
eighteen-twenty. I quote one
limerick by Edward himself,
followed by Starlite Cafe Poets:
Verse 1 - by Edward Lear:
There was a young lady of Riga
Who rode with a smile on a tiger
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And the smile on the face of the tiger.
Verse 2 - by John William McGrath:
There once was a man from Reno
Who went into a little casino
He lost all his pay
On that fateful day
To a fast-dealing young Philippino.
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Our Favourite Tune
Your smiles affect the way I feel beloved
Quite simply, and hush-hush, I tend to swoon.
A slight irregularity of my heartbeat
As we dance in Central Park beneath the moon.
As a token of our love we'll dance forever
We will join in Elmer's song, swinging together.
The audience we'll surprise ~ even mesmerize
As we follow on with dancing steps so clever.
Your glance affects my very soul beloved
I have found the ecstasy~ the kiss of June
Your birthday's very near, I'll write a poem
to fit the pretty notes of Elmer's tune.
Pretty girlies, the birdies with song ever sweet
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Folklore for Children (1) and (2)
Won't you listen in my garden
to the tapping dancing feet
and the singing of the fairies
playing violins so sweet?
Won't you listen to the pixies
and the fairy queen's refrain,
songs of romance, songs of folklore
or do the fairies sing in vain?
Come and join these mystic beings
with pretty wings of fairest hue
delightful elves and friendly fairies
will sing and dance each day for you.
Down in yonder Elfin Park
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Words Flow From His Heart
Style of Thomas Hardy -
He to She:
May to October,
how the months hurry by...
it's the sad day tomorrow
when we say goodbye.
Sweet moments were magical
with you and your charms.
My stay has been wonderful
alone in your arms.
A holiday to remember
near sea and sand.
But at dawn's early light
I must go - can't you see?
To Canberra's fair city
away I must flee; where
the bronze Ethos statue
points up to the skies...
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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God's Whispering Breath
Authors: Joyce Hemsley
and John William McGrath III
God's whispering breath is usually heard
whilst gathered in a Temple of Glory.
But no place is finer that a forest of green
as told in this fairy-tale story.
Two young lovers ramble together
deep in the heart of the forest,
they hear only God's whispering breath.
His name is the treasure and will be forever.
His kingdom reigns high up above...
as they silently bask in the warmth of His love.
Somewhere beyond the depth of the forest
there's a beautiful land of the rarest,
on top of the world, nothing less,
where hearts find pleasure romancing forever
God's promise, all fresh and new...
as they silently bask in the warmth of the Blue.
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Floral Poems of Delight
A famous poet and artist
~~Cicely Mary Barker~~
born in London eighteen ninety-five
died in London age seventy-eight
produced a very beautiful book
~~The Flower Fairies~~
Unable to attend school because
of ill-health, Cicely worked from
home, taught by a Governess...
A copy of this book was given to
me on my fifth birthday, and was
a first introduction to floral poems.
My young life was absorbed with
Flower Fairies...the Song of the
Poppy was my favourite. I recall
the words until this day. I am sure
that Cicely Mary Barker would be
delighted to see her Poppy Flower
poem brought to light after so
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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Britain's Slough and Upton
Brief Synopsis:
Just prior to German air raids on Slough
in World War Two, Thames Valley was
progressing with a new industrial plan,
which could have brought distress to
the peaceful rural land...John Betjeman,
the poet, wrote rhyming words to disapprove;
what more could a disappointed Laureate do?
'Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough,
it isn't fit for humans now'. John Betjeman.
But Slough today is a pleasant town,
where every amenity can be found...
and yew trees surround the graveyard
of the Norman Church of renown.
'Twas here ~ in his own Slough garden
Sir William Hershall of astronomy fame
built the world's large telescope,
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poem by Joyce Hemsley
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