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Vivek Tiwari

Happy Children's Day

As the Nature stirs in joy
At the break of day
Breeze of the Nature's breath
Fragance of the bloosoms
Smell the earth
And freshens the whole surrounding
So You- my children-
Shall scatter all around
The best essence
Of all that's Fresh, Fair and True
And dignify the world
By giving it all that it needs.

Vivek Tiwari
14 Nov 2012

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True Love

When heart beats arise sweet pain
Eyes become thirsty for a dear one
Love grows there and brings merry rain
Love becomes young at that moment.
Grows then more and places to heights
Never to fade shines ever bright.
Love is a worship rather any God
And a true love never it wastes.
This is the Sangam of two hearts
Wherein to sink in soul's escort.
By and by it grows to more
Love of hearts is a Divine Love sure.

Vivek Tiwari

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Our Love Has Got The Prize

O my Love
My sweet sweet Love
Our long awaited days are over
And our Love has got the prize.

By the Fire and all Divinity
By the rites all sanctioned
Our minds and hearts and souls
Into His inseperable state stationed.
Like two waves
Full of passion
Embrace each to each
And get into a life of sweet proportion.

My heart is thine
Thou heart is mine
In the bond of love and divinity
Our souls are combined
For ever are combined
Upto our living

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She Shall Come - The Divine Daughter

She shall come-'The Divine Daughter'
And wait for me in heartiest laughter
She shall present her virgin charm
And fan by me coolness and calm
When her chariot of Love will alight
She and I shall begin a flight.
I shall have a comfort upon her bossom
Listen her beats and feel her affection.
Her mat-lock of shining black
Shall fill me with all solace.
Now she and I for never to depart
Shall travel on and on thro' peaceful paths.
Neither tide nor storm nor noise
Shall ever interupt our heartiest rejoice.

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My Dreamland of Freedom

When the real immense of the day,
Floats and flourishes on the land of freedom;
Where the liberty sways throughout,
No barriers to check or tame;
All the thoughts are let loose free,
The empire of freedom is built anew
And service is made by glory or fame.
The enemity defeated and with mortal wounds
Dread himself is frightened
And drowned in the ocean of fears;
How beautiful is the world new created
Happy, cheerly, merry
Only boss of my empire:
Such is the sweet region of mine
Broad and wide my land of dreams.

Vivek Tiwari
Composed on

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Keep The Fights

Self enslaved!
Soul devoid!
Break the Bonds
Keep the Fights.
Till the Heart feels rejoice
And the Self gives you voice.
Though the Tide is tough
To swim aside
Sink not, loose not
Keep the Fights.
Emmemce Dark is broad and wide
There is no hope of a Light
Though feel fighting a lossing battle
Keep the Fights
Do keep the Fights.
Brave men are
Those who fight
And fruits can never afright
For the fate favours the Brave
For the death is a wreath to Martyrs.

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To My Students

As the golden beams burst at break of day
I feel gaily showers of your intellects' spray,
Not mere drops incense still
Like sweetening breeze of Spring's thrill.
Now I see you acquire the fire that blazes to glow
Your child-like thoughts consuming the bright maturity flow.
The innocent twinkle of starlit shy
Getting bright sparkle of golden sky.
Your faith profound of truth and religion
Floats so sportive in the glittening region.
I see the Glory waiting for thee
With ribbons and wreaths at the gate of futurity.
What joyance do I feel within my bossom!
My heart btithers, my soul bloosoms!

Vivek Tiwari

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The Divine Light

Eyes grow dim
Darkness prevail
Aghast lightening may dazzle the eyes,
Whole surrounding be gloomy and dark
'Gentle Eye of Day' be blind.
Still be patient
Still be kind-
To know thyself and keep in mind
No light is ever brighter
No light is more shining
Than the One thou hast within
The Light Within, the Light Divine
That will tear and crumble to pieces
The gloomy clouds and dark mountains.
Know thyself
Open thy eyes-
The eyes of Faith
The eyes of Mind
And look your surroundings
All brightened

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Race of Life Out of Track

Sky is hard
Clouds are heavy
Soul is limited
Zeal confined.

Childhood is seized
And youth imprisoned
And Nature is thrown without the range.

Moon is strange
Stars are aliens
Sun is closed behind
Day is but a busy postman
Passes the message and is by.

Rivers hath no quenching thirst
Flowers no thing of beauty.

Mind is doctor
Mind is engineer

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Mother-The Eternal Goddess

None can take the place of Mom
That loving and fond hands
That very soothing and that very calm,
That very love of feeding
That very care full of charm,
She knows your heart
She knows your feelings
She reads your emotions
And all mutual dealing.
She is the Goddess
The sole Eternal
A shade of comfort
Is the love matrnal;
When you've a bruished heart
She is the doctor
She is the balm
When you have a pining brain
She is the peace
She is the calm;
She holds your fingers

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