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Ulveena Aitzaz

Loss Unbearable, Loss Irrepearable

The death of a twelve year old,
Her sister shed tears,
But the body was cold,
Loss Unbearable, Loss Irrepearable.

She felt all had lost hope,
It was her fault,
'I let go the rope! '
Loss Unbearable, Loss Irrepearable.

'I should have pulled her up'
'I lost grip'
'I should'nt have given up! '
Loss Unbearable, Loss Irrepearable.

'You trusted me! '
'And there is no reason....'
' No you shouldn't have, see? '
Loss Unbearable, Loss Irrepearable.

[...] Read more

poem by Ulveena AitzazReport problemRelated quotes
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To a Happy Marriage

This poem, to a happy marriage,
When the couple got in and out of the carriage.
Always together, never leaving oneanother,
Everyone cries, the bride, sisters, mother, father and brother.
Yet all that comes to the grooms mind is 'you okay? '
He is crazy, her mothers home is where she is willing to stay!
Yet people ask 'why is that you cry? '
They too are stupid! , she wont stop even if she'll try!
Its her home she leaves,
Everyone, her departure grieves.
Gives up her ownself,
To someone else.
Hoping he will for all life to come, care,
In all distances be near.
To a happy marriage, this poem I dedicate,
That this happy couple is never struck by bad fate.
I wish, hope and pray,
To see them together, happy this way.

poem by Ulveena AitzazReport problemRelated quotes
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