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Maurice Harris

I Must Be...

I must be for thee, all that I may-
If but hope do I, to start to repay
The debt owed you for my heart's exalt,
As you safely guard it, in your own's vault!

I must be for thee, all that you need,
For each and every want, I shall indeed
Make any and all effort, to make retort-
For the pleasure of your consort,
It is the least I may do, yet, still-
Remiss, if all your dreams do not fulfill!

I must be for thee, all that you are for me;
My heart's valiant protector, my love's verity-
Many may find love, though, ne'er as have I,
My soul's solitary compeer is now nigh!

Perchance, my beloved, I may not have word
For explication proper, yet this is assured-
I was meant for to become, and be, for thee,

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My Beloved Friend?

My beloved friend? Yes, well until I need you the most-
Now you are naught more than a ghost,
Haunting my subconscious mind, with all we used to be;
We are now estranged, because you refuse to see,
Or rather, recognize, that with friendship, comes empathy-
To ignore my plight, you ignore my reality-
I do not ask for your sorrow, nor do I want sympathy,
Just choose one side, not this duality!

I may not just pretend that 'this' is not real;
Of course, as your surreptitious friend,
How much loyalty toward me do you really feel
When I am allowed to fleet, like the wind
For more than a year, with not a single word from you! ?
If you cared as I thought, why have I not heard from you?
You are my very own irresistible enigma,
Yet, I am caught in a place rife with stigma,
With which you are apparently not equipped to deal;
In its stead, you allow circumstance to further steal
Away, our inspired amity, our all-too-real emotion;

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The Poignant Consequence Of A Love, Ignored

You said that you love me, yet you do not know me;
You said that you love me-so, why do you not show me?
I wonder what your thoughts tell you now when no one is there! ?
Perhaps you may wonder why it is that I even care,
After you so unceremoniously discarded me with nary a second thought.
Perhaps you are ignorant now of all the dreams you sought
So long, and shared with me-it is not like you to give up;
I know who I am, and I know that I most certainly live up
To the man you need, it is you that shutters with fear
Of ghosts that haunt you-though, the reasons are not clear.
'What if...? ' should never be more important than what is,
And fear should never lead your actions, but is.
You show so much bravery and conviction in all you do,
But somehow only unto thine own self you have not remained true:
You do not fashion your want and needs, they fashion you.
You cannot simply ignore them, not when you possess this passion, to
Become who you know you can be-we are not 'unreal';
You cannot have this ardor and simply choose to unfeel
It-it defines who you are in so many ways.
Whether I am in your life, there are sure to be many days

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My Impassioned Offer

For many years, my dear beloved friend,
You and I have shared a mutual devotion
That does not seem to want for an end!
Its power may be felt across the largest ocean
And its glory streches further than the eye may see;
Naught may hope to contain this simple verity:
I love you and you love me-even as this may be,
You could not hope to have further clarity!

We are a divinely-inspired pairing, to be sure-
Brought into one another's lives with a purpose in mind;
Perhaps we never queried same, only welcomed its allure-
Yet, I shall now: 'Heavenly Father, far too kind
Art Thou to see to this consort, and all it has brought!
Much obliged and humbled are we, at Thine Grace;
Aid us only now, to make it to be what it ought-
Only in You, would we, this trust, emplace! '

As though a compelling love story, for want of a sequel,
Our history together plays over and over in my mind-

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A Letter To Abigail

So much time has surely come to pass,
Whereby I have been without thee-alas,
So too have thee, been without me-
Though I assure thee that I have loved thee devoutly,
But regrettably in absentia, as you have been secreted away;
I think of you always, ne'er have I neglected a day!
Sadly, I know not your visage, as evidence
Of same has too been kept from me, since
Last I saw your Angelic face-
Lo, these many days hence, I have glimpsed not a trace,
But in fanciful aspiration, of the beauty you have become;
Days became weeks, weeks became months, more cumbersome
With each that passes, as though my heart fails me!
I shan't be whole again until your grace itself, avails me-
Until such time as I may fondly gaze into thine eyes
And share with you all the hopes and wants for our reprise!

Now, all we share is a last name, nothing more,
You have been hidden from me, by someone I am loathing more
Each and every day, and she calls herself your guardian! ?

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An Angel Asked, I Answered

I wonder if you know that I exist-
Dubiety as this continues to persist,
In spite of the fact that you must carry the belief
That something is missing, causal to your heart's grief;
Others have decided what is best for you-
With regard only for themselves, they attest for you
What is in your best interests-for shame!
These sanctimonius 'guardians' are to blame
For the anguish you must feel, deep in your soul;
There is simpl no recompense for what they stole:
Birthdays; firsts too numerous to count,
Whose absquatulation long ago began to mount,
In the form of lamentation, too grievous for word-
Time does not heal this-contrary to what you may have heard!

'Why are you so determined? ', you might ask,
With regard to this incredibly daunting task;
For your understanding to become ever-clearer,
You need only gaze upon thineself, in the mirror-
Therein, my beloved Angel, lies my only answer,

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The Birth Of A Nation

It started as nothing more than an inspired idea
In the hearts and minds of visionaries, who could not be more clear:
All of human kind demands freedom and craves liberty!
As Emerson once opined: 'So far as a person thinks; they are free'.
Divinely Inspired Prophets, who saw to God's Will-
These were men of highest altruistic aspirations, for a people that still
Needed to be convinced that this ideal could become
The 'One Nation, Under God' we would become.
A very poetic, yet decidedly luculent declaration
Was thoughtfully written-thus began the birth of a nation!
The question of collective desire needed first to be resolved,
So that any and all persons could be wholly absolved
From any blame for this audacious, unprecedented event.
The call was sounded to the States, unanimous was their consent!

In order that this idea meet with desired actualization,
Much blood was spilled, along with the realization
That this righteous battle shan't ever wane,
Lest the tyranny that preceeded it shall come again.

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A Letter To Gabriella

Should you find these words, and read them, one day-
Then, perhaps, any lingering doubts you may
Have had about my truth, will be erased!
If only you were privy to all the hopes emplaced,
All the wants of a Father, forlorn by his absence-
All the aspirations, rife, with the glory of your pleasance-
Then you would realize, any different thought
Would be tragic-as the truth, it would be, not!
I have come to accept that your mind may have been poisoned,
Though realize, as my Daughter, surely you questioned
All manner of assertions that may have been averse to me-
And reserved judgment, at least until we converse, to see
Where the truth really does lie;
As to why you have been deceived, or why
We have been forcibly estranged, for so long-
Suffice is to say, some know right, yet choose wrong-
And, unfortunately for us, one of them is charged with your guard!
I am sure you have gathered as much-it is not hard
To discern a person's essence, from how they treat
Their children-without so much as an attempt to be discreet,

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Your Own Fate

What if you did all that you wanted;
If your hopes and dreams were flaunted,
For all the world to see and applaud! ?
Why not give yourself, instead of others, the nod-
To live your own life, unaffected by others' views! ?
Why not allow your life to be what you would choose,
Without regard for what the uninformed opine! ?
Why not live your life as I live mine:
For, by, and of myself-without prejudice,
Bias, or hate-my heart is for all, commodious.
My dreams are mine for a reason:
I do not seek and find, then alter like a season,
Because others need to assert their ignorance,
All the while under the guise of guidance
And protection-as if you could not possibly know
What is best for you-like this interference could possibly show
The altruism that they so ardently profess!
This decision, made under the throngs of duress,
Is not what is best for you, it is what is easiest for them.
Only when both your and their wants are ibidem,

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A Letter To The Best Friend That I Have Never Met (An Ode To Friendship)

We have shared much, both with and through
Our mutually Beloved Angel-yet still, You
And I have a very special friendship unto our own,
Which started nearly 2 years ago, and has grown
To be a familiarity almost as close as I possess,
With the Angel named Guzel, that God did Bless
Both of us with-and because of whom, we consort;
Yet, it is we, as two individuals alone, that cause the rapport
We share to be as beautiful as it is-where words are not needed-
Where an unspoken Code of Love and Respect is always heeded!
Your hopes and dreams for your best friend
Have always been the same as mine; with no need to amend
Or change anything at all-in fact, it is as though you dream, with us!
There has always been a transcendentalism that seems, with us
To go far beyond a best friend's wants for her loved one,
To a sensory Gift from God Himself, to a Most Beloved ONE!
A Love for an Angel and Her Beloved, we share-
And all the Best, all the Time-is what we dare
Ask-and we do so for only altruistic reasons, as we care
So very much for their happiness, and that they fare

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