1,000 Times, Again
It is true, what they say: 'ignorance IS bliss! '-
If I hadn't protested when I experienced the same, I would be remiss!
Hitler once offered: 'the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it! '-
Sometimes, it is one so audacious, you would never conceieve it!
I was purloined from all, by another's failing,
How could she not 'see' her mind was destructively ailing! ? !
Where was my aegis, why was none fastly offered-
Why, when I needed it so, was it maliciously coffered! ? !
I am a man of ideals, who values greatly the most basic principle-
Alas, to speak the truth, you neglected something so simple!
All who know you have been made the worse
By your negligent handling of your mental curse!
You believed your rudimentary knowledge of a warped jurisprudence
Would subvert true justice's inevitable occurence! !
How singularly naive of you, to assume
That truth, waylaid by paranoia, would not resume!
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poem by Maurice Harris
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Father's Day, Forbidden
Yet another Father's Day fastly apporaches
And a force outside of my control still encroaches
Upon my ability to be the Father I know I can be;
Two beautiful little Angels grow, yet, I can see
Only photographs-which surely do not show me
More than a brief moment in time-they do not know me,
Nor do I know them, yet we share a connection beyond the miles
That now seperate us. Am I cause for any smiles
They may have in times which are wholly their own! ?
Will this estrangement cease before they're grown,
And are able to make decisions without the influence of another?
When will they break ranks with the one they call 'Mother'-
To allow that their own concerns finally be considered?
When will the maternal selfishness, that has embittered
A Father, yield to the need of Daughters to know from whence they came?
I carry only remorse for the loss they have suffered-the shame,
That should be held by the two women who purport
To know what it means to be a Mother, yet fall very short!
I may not be the Father I know I am, until this veil of shame is lifted-
Nor may these Angels truly know what God Himself has gifted,
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poem by Maurice Harris
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A Letter From Baby, To Guzel (an excerpt from current somniations...)
You have pointed to MY actions as destructive; MY actions were just REACTIONS to YOUR actions; You deceived everyone BECAUSE you were scared, which pushed you away from the 'love of your life'-ME! MY actions are, and have only ever been bourne out of selfless love and and a boundless concern for you; YOUR actions, ON THAT day were the destructive actions; THEY are the only thing that caused all of what followed, for the brief time that both of us were NOT ourselves.
WHY would you destroy something so beautiful, because you are scared? All you needed to do was, say: 'Moe, I am scared! '-to which I would have replied something like: 'OK, no problem-the solution is to slow down and reassess, to ensure you are NOT scared again.' MAYBE THAT is what you should have, and what I would have, done! YOUR actions since that day tell me and the world, that you WANT to fix what YOU broke; namely, NOW, due YOUR actions, EVERYONE with a 'need to know' of MY past does (ALL AT ONCE) and THAT is dead, and? ? ? s they may have NOW, are for me and ME alone; YOUR burden is done my beloved!
I need YOU to understand that though you effectively betrayed me, as well as yourself by NOT being wholly honest about how you REALLY feel, I AM NOT angry, I understand completely NOW why you did what you did, and when and how you did it! I know more than anyone WHY! ! I know more about you than perhaps anyone else in the world, perhaps even YOU! YOU were NOT ready to come here, consort with BOTH our families under the BURDEN of YOUR secret about what HAPPENED to ME! ! I understand, not only because I love you, but because I am pretty insightful as well!
As time marches from that tragic day just before Christmas, the truth, the REAL TRUTH settles and the deceit as well as my 'baggage' fades; Speaking of such-both your past and mine have only strengthened us, they are NOT burdens for each, they are NOT cloaks behind which to hide-they ARE ways that we have learned lessons and gained much strength!
GOD and YOU and alone control both your own destiny, as well as how others view you and those you love most ardently-people are capable of much love, as you well know, through me, as well as others. YOUR friends and family effectively were MORE ambushed MORE than I, BY YOU! But again, the damage has been done, the coast is now clear and the 'drama' is gone. NOW, I only possess a 'sordid' past which includes an 'ex-wife' and TWO beautifully inspiring Daughters. JUST THE WAY YOU LIKE IT! ! (*as you said to me 8 January 2012*) . I HAVE NEVER seen WHAT I know about YOU as baggage, but as PROOF of your strength-now show the world how strong you really are!
Stop running FROM your love and TOWARD YOUR fear, reverse the course, er, curse and come back to friendship, then perhaps love at YOUR speed, it IS real, it IS true and YOU are LOVED!
poem by Maurice Harris
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Lest We Forget [11 September 2001, A Requiem]
Through a hatred borne of fear, you plotted your course;
With each 'Freedom' as fodder, your animus grew worse;
Your ignorance cannot be countered with rational debate,
It is your fundamental flaw-you hate, for the sake of hate!
One tragic, late Summer day, whose infamy you ensured,
You destroyed a treasured symbol-and though now cured,
Inculcated great fear-not to mention the lives you have taken!
We are resolute and unafeared, where once, we were shaken.
Your victory was pyrrhic, and very short-lived-
For, our time for righteous retribution soon arrived!
You awakened a sleeping lion, from His peaceable sleep,
And now, your total annhilation is a promise we shall keep,
To the humble and brave families of those we have lost;
We are 'One Nation, Under God' that you should have never crossed!
Millions of heroes, from cities and towns both far and wide,
Each with an indefatigable sense of American pride,
Have assembled from disparate lives, to fight side by side,
To honor the memory of those who tragically died!
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poem by Maurice Harris
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A Letter To Abigail And Gabriella
I would love to say I know, but may only guess
What your voices sound like, or what likeness
Your visages truly take-I wonder: 'still like me! ? '
Tragically, I still know not when be, for myself, I might see-
Or when mine ears may partake in your melodious voices!
I lament that I was never given choices,
And that I am sure to be portrayed, as much
Less honorable than I am-as such,
I am also sure to be unfairly villified
As a 'dead beat', or someone equally unqualified
To seek empathy from a world already biased against me!
I may as well stand mute, but then who would the antagonist be?
This is a fate I would never wish upon anyone;
My heart aches more all the time, and will before this day is done.
There exists a void in my soul naught may measure,
As I mourn the Angels, with whom I have never spoken, but treasure
More than anything else in this whole world-
Tonight, this Father weeps for the little girls
Who were never given forums to voice their wants!
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poem by Maurice Harris
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For US, His One Plan
You said very recently: 'We are waiting for you! '
I am here, through an Inspired Act of God, Beloved-now what do I do?
And you also said: , 'My.... what do I say to such loving thoughts? ? ? ? ? ? You know how I feel....',
Yes, yes I do Beloved, now ask yourself, how might I deal,
Knowing that you and I are so very close, and I, needing you so very much-
Am left in your own back yard, lacking your tender touch,
When we have BOTH expressed many times, OUR desires for same;
I do not besmirch you, nor do I now, or ever, attempt to assess blame-
I merely need to feel the warmth, and know again, the solace-
Of your much-anticipated, many-ways-aspired, loving embrace!
You have expressed an ardent desire, to be: 'to be the first voice I hear when I awake';
To you, I retort, with: 'Away, away, doth the mere thought of being near to you, my breath, take! '
You have said many times to me: 'You capture my soul, Moe...that is not easy to do! ';
'You had captured mine soul many years years ere, Beloved! ', is my reply, to you!
You have said: 'I love you', on many occasions, though this shocked even YOU!
I have always been been amazed and comforted by the same, every time you do;
Never have I asked anything of you; you just gave it to me, because you DO love me-
In fact, I KNOW in no uncertain terms, even BEFORE you read this, you think of me
Most fondly, as you have never before, with regard to any other man,
Because you KNOW that this IS God's Work, and NO other plan
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poem by Maurice Harris
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An Altruistic Self-Advocacy Of A Man Wholly Enamored By An Angel (Part 2 of 2)
I am Your Good Will Hunting, and You, my 'gurl I have to go see about'-
We together are the love that naught may stamp out;
As the Eternal Chimera, of tales of lore,
We are never enough for one another, and always crave more-
Because our near perfection, for each, the other,
Is too near to Divinity for this Brother,
And conversely for You, Sister of mine;
THIS is yet another reason why we need combine
Our individual Magnificence and Glory
To Truly Show the world the Truth of OUR story!
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poem by Maurice Harris
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An Altruistic Self-Advocacy Of A Man Wholly Enamored By An Angel (Part 1 of 2)
I have spoken many times, and in the Latter Days,
Of the Virtues I know you too, extol, in all ways
That I do-so, now it is more than apropos
For me to Testify to mine own-to show
You, and all of those who lean toward your concern,
Why it is that you love me so very much-and hopefully earn
The Respect and Love I have been due
For so very long, as it relates to you!
Your Prayers have certainly been answered, but you were not ready-
And now take pause-to open further, and steady
Your Inspired Heart, Mind, and Soul-
To prepare Them for this moment-Your Life's Ultimate Goal!
I bring to you:The Mate for Your Soul, Counterpoint for Your Mind,
And Guerdon for Your Heart-THIS is why You cannot leave US behind-
To wither and wilt, as the Precious Lily-of-the-Valley,
When left wanton for nourishment, and wholly
In need of that which now only IT may provide;
With WE two-all through OUR lives-two worlds have come to collide,
And only could came together as ONE, whence Truly prime;
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poem by Maurice Harris
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The Letter That Changes Everything
This letter may serve as a new beginning, or foretell a tragic end-
Yet, the thought of not writing it is not one with which I may contend!
My prayers are for the former, as I dread the latter,
Though my soul yearns to have the final say in the matter
Of what form its counterpoint may finally take;
Thus, with this leap of faith, I may finally make-
Known, what it is I suspect you have already guessed:
Your's is the soul that mine covets more than all the rest!
This though, I shan't allow to come at my heart's expense,
Where its own longing does not meet with recompense.
No longer may I be your friend, and naught more;
At the end of each consort, I am left to wonder: 'what more
Are we meant to be? '-certainly not just surreptitious friends.
Is my heart to wither, whilst my mind pretends?
No! I am not blind to your amorous reciprocation
Of the feelings I have for your, and their desperation!
Your precarious position is not lost upon me-
I know it all too well, as its cost, upon me-
Tolls deeply and tragically-yet, I am much to blame!
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poem by Maurice Harris
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