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Maurice Harris

On A Clear Day, I Can See Forever

On a clear day, I can see forever-
But forever is ne'er more near
Than when I think of you and I together,
As we would be, if I lived in a world sans fear;
In those days, I was only able to see 'tomorrow',
Naught more, and thought I knew not what love meant;
Now, I look back at my naivete with the sorrow
That a broken heart gifts, wondering where my love went!
Oh, to do it all over again-sikerly I would-
But I cannot, so thoughts as this, do no good.
We may, however, be so blessed if we begin anew-
And shall, if you love me as I love you!

Ah, but to see forever, where today is merely its start,
Would inspire my soul and surely embolden this heart,
Which now knows not fear, only its betterment,
And casts aside any form of fret as just another impediment
That keeps my heart in darkness, where it craves light-
My soul from its inspiration, and my mind, from fanciful flight!

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But One Prayer Have I, Unrequited

I have seen magnificence and beauty unparalleled, or so seeming-
Nothing rivals the beautificence of that seen, whilst I am dreaming!
But for now must I slumber, before her essence true, I may partake-
Nothing would I not do to make this so, whilst I am also awake;
I have lived a blessed life thence, one surely more than have most,
Yet, I want for but one precious wish, left presently without riposte-

'Good and gracious Lord, but one prayer have I, unrequited;
Lest I should not feel in this perceived lacking, by You, smited-
I beseech Thee, Lord, make for me and my beloved, true consort;
She-a guerdon of sorts, for my faith, fidelity and fastidious comport!
I do avow my Lord, a life of which You shall continue to be proud;
I do not question, nor feel smirched by, all that You have allowed;
I know Lord, Your goal is but to make me, for Your plan, prime-
Alas, Lord-assure You I do, she is the one, and this is our time! '

Maurice Harris,18 November 2009

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The Recital Of My Heart's Glory

I am bereft of sentiment worthy of mine own wondrous emotion
As my verity, at long last, hath given cause for soul's devotion;
As though predestined, reality meets with my heart's fanciful intuition,
My oft-imagined, life-long somniation hath come to wonderful fruition!

Once, as a child I did glimpse same, yet 'twas fleeting, and I, not prime;
Now, as a man, I bear witness to this grace again-this beauty, sublime!
For every man or monad thought inviolable, there exists impuissance-
Mine hath the form of a dichotomy, as she exudes with pleasance!
Nary doth a moment fleet whence thought is not consumed with such-
Periodically, I must cause remind, lest I should think it all, too much!

All this, yet still, an adjoining hath not been, for years, score-
To muse, whensoever same comes again-all, and evermore!
Hath there ever been such an eminent, empyrean, story?
Lo, there hath been-and it is surely the recital of my heart's glory!

Maurice Harris,1 December 2009

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I found myself woefully walking down a sad and lonely road-
I asked: 'Why must I be forlorn and have I been foresaken? '
An answer would reveal itself, though I questioned the time it had taken,
God said then: 'I brought you great angst to allow for that which I have now bestowed! '

'You ne'er have, nor shall you walk alone, for I always shall guide your way! '
'I proffer to you now my most trusted Angel, She shall walk always beside you-
She shall, as my entrusted: protect, love and guide you! '
From that time, and for myriad still to come, beside me she has stayed!

Though no measure of recompense shall surely ever suffice,
Still, I offer her that which I have never, all I have to give-
My heart and soul, all my love- as long as I may live:
Blessed have I been to have this, not once, but twice!

Thankful am I beyond all measure of words for this and all it brings:
Obligation owed, to You, the benevolent and gracious, King of Kings!

Maurice Harris,24 November 2008

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Called To Duty (A Father's Letter Home, To His Daughters)

Called to duty-for honor, for family, for country, for freedom's sake-
To stay behind, to leave injustice be, is but a choice I cannot make!
In my absence, my precious family, home and all alone-without me;
Daddy misses you dearly-in this, please do not ever doubt me!

Dwell do I now, in a place, with a people, where hope seems forsaken-
To restore their faith, freedom, all else that has from them, been taken!
This place, these iniquities, they hardly seem fit, even for a pauper-
Stay I must, until my post is relieved or their rights, restored, proper!

Worry not for me though, my beloved, whilst in danger I may be-
My brothers-in-arms and God Almighty shall both look after me!
Know this my Angel, as you anxiously await my return, each night-
Nothing, and no one other, shall cause your absence from my sight;
A calling of this import only may cause me, from you, to part-
Whensoever I may, I shall return to you, wherest I left my heart!

Maurice Harris,11 November 2009

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Faith's Reward

We may not bide with this glory should we be too afeared;
What for art thou then fawn at what thou always revered?

I have searched my entire life for the one that allows my heart to sing,
My soul to be inspired-to love, more than myself-this is what you bring!
To cause you pain-akin to a self-broken heart, this I shan't e'er allow-
I shall love and covet thee more each passing day-I solemnly avow!

We've been given a truly miraculous, Empyrean gift, always to treasure;
I shall do all I may to honor this, above all else, no matter the measure!
I once thought of happiness as an earthly realm, my acquiescense;
My dreams of more than this met with reality-your quintessence!

This wondrous elation, I simply must always have-it is my life's aim-
These are not mere words, it is notice of my actions-one and the same!
Accept this Heavenly proffer with the enduring faith that brought it-
Embrace all the ardor it provides, remembering why we sought it!

Maurice Harris,11 May 2010

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'Butterflies'-whensoever I may felicitously ponder, or make consort
With my beloved, the one with which I must, my life entire, assort;
All that need be is a thought, otherwise so simplistic and bare,
Causal for me to draw compare with this lady, so beauteous and fair!

All is made easy yet, as I visage parallels, everywhere, with everything;
Each day, next, I do look more forward, to pleasures this shall bring!
Ruminations of thee, uplifting, ever-present, and all-consuming-
Made all the better, as I look forward to our wondrous life, looming!

I am made better for the rapport we share-a union of compeers;
I have waited patiently, for the love I now have, to finally appear;
As reward, He hath offered me an Angel, His most precious gift-
Causative she hath been: my mirth, my jollity, my soul's uplift!

Sentiment of most import is this, for its guard, nothing would I not do;
I shall always treasure and covet the felicity it has brought too!

Maurice Harris,2 November 2009

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The Gift, Given; The Life, Striven.

I cannot stay asleep, my soul is stirring like it has, ne'er before;

My heart is alive again, as though it were not e'er, before;

My mind is racing, there is so much I wish to impart,

My lips are quivering, as they wait for my mouth to start

Speaking with the beloved source of all this beauteous agitation-

The entirety of my existence is wholly duteous, to the vocation

That is adoration of same-I am not able to explicate this any more;

Though, I do know however, that as time wends, there shall be many more

Reasons for this adoration, as time and love collect them, as gifts, to me;

I await this verity of my heart to meander back-as I hope it shifts to me

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A Life Left Unexplored

It is with a hopeful heart, that is at once, diminished,
That I reach out to you, to redress a path, left unfinished.
Life took us in disparate directions, and we lost our way,
Yet, God gave us another chance, and come what may,
We must use it, rather than take it for granted.
Despite the years, this love has never been supplanted,
Nor even lessened, in any way that we may see.
At long last, our long-deferred, yet powerful love, may be
All that it was supposed to be, before we abandoned it-
Free to bloom evermore, as God commanded it!

We are no longer fool-hearty, as we were in our youth-
The years have taught us naught, if only the power of this truth:
We may only ever bury our heart's ardor for so long,
Before we must concede that the very nature is wrong.
The only recourse that we have in this regard,
Is to cede to love's power, and triumph in its guard!
So much of our lives is left to be explored;
Why not then, with one another-as my heart has implored!

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Do You Remember Me, Princess?

Do you remember me, Princess? I am the Father you lack-
Taken away from you by prevarication, in a premeditated attack!
I wonder: have any of these enemies of the Constitution thought of your loss-
Have they cared to think of its precepts, or why He died on the cross?

I shan't speak ill of your Mother, you may make up your own mind;
I just pray that one day she may leave the scourge now with her, behind!
You and your Sister are the best gift for which I could have hoped-
Thoughts of your beautificence, the only way I could have coped!

One day, decisions will be your's alone-no longer shall bias prevail;
No longer shall we be made to suffer, given to their iniquity's assail!

Soon our struggle is sure to bear fruit, ignorance can not be this prevalent;
Others seek to do harm, to impose it upon you, my intentions are benevolent!

'Those who have be ransomed by the Lord will return' (Isaiah 51: 11)
The ransom hath been made 1,000 times over-your render, I've earned!

Maurice Harris,20 May 2010

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