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Maurice Harris

It Surely Exists in Her Gaze

It surely exists in her gaze, in the truth of her regard-
This bequeath, of her amity- lasting and ne'er to wither;
Shan't I envisage a thought of its want hither,
Ameliorate surely all, certain am I ne'er to retard!

Explication does escape me, to expound further its essence!
Alas, solace resides in her gaze, in her words of comfort-
Preordained, gifted me seraphically, causal to our consort
Her presence visceral, to me, an appurtenance!

Her kind, soothing spirit bestows a myriad of ease-
Sentiment spoken, oft with nary a word still!
Her aspect transmutes tumult to tranquil-
As if from a mistral she fashions a zephyrous breeze!

Endebted am I for all she, for me, doth proffer,
Mine own love and amistad- in recompense, I offer!

Maurice Harris,20 March 2009

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Allow The Descent

In order to fall in love, you must allow the descent-
To be given away, your heart needs your mind's consent;
To be truly loved, you need to graciously recieve it-
Love contrariwise, is the gift of your own heart-you leave it
With the one who has uplifted and absquatulated it:
Does not, your love, belong to the one who created it! ? !
Love with all you have, as you possess naught else-
Love devoutly, unabashedly-not to wonder what else
There may be, to garner thine amorous affection:
Love, as naught else, offers a puissant self-protection.

Love is truly its own wondrous reward-
Love is the only road where you are never detoured;
Listen beloved, as love, for you, doth call-
Allow yourself to love, and along the way, enjoy the fall!

-Maurice Harris,25 March 2011

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Aspiration Of A Future, To Efface The Past

I need use my mind's eye, to see you;
I've no access to photographs, no way to see to
A remembrance of you, except in this way!
I long to once again be graced by you-I've dreamt of this day
Many, many times, so that I may at long last
Look beyond a most tragic consequence of my past:
Namely, that I allowed fear to make a decision
That I have lived to regret every day, since its commission!

May God again grant both of us with the other's consort-
This alone seems to befit or comport
With the wants of my heart, soul, and mind-
You, my beloved, are the memory I could not hope to leave behind!
In a world of glorious imperfection, you are as perfect as I could hope you to be,
I pray to God each night, to divine your 'perfection', to me!

Maurice Harris,20 July 2011

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Magnificent Melody

I have never loved before, not like I do now-
No, I have never loved-until you showed me how!
With each day that passes to the morrow,
I find more love avails to me-hoping I might borrow
Some, or all, and even more, create-
For your essence abounds-within me, it doth permeate!

Each thought I have seems now, more profound;
My mind fashions a magnificent melody, where there is not a sound!
In weather most dreary, I feel your warmth still;
Dreams I never knew I had, now seem sure to fulfill!

My heart brims with emotion, as it hath never-before;
I ponder, in wide wonder, as to what our life as one, hath in store!
Will you be my felicitous 'forever', here and everafter?
Might I count upon your heart's complete and utter capture?

Maurice Harris,28 April 2010

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Alone, Without Her Touch!

Lord, grant me the strength to become, through my pain,
One who may show all his best, in the face of other's worst!
Allow me to find my heart's keeper once again,
Allay for her, all her fears, from which, she is cursed!

My prayer to Thee, at all times I am able-my love's return-
The call I place out to my family-allow them please, to hear!
I have tried in living my life, righteous and sincere,
To have You protect and guide me, a gift I hope I have earned!

Alone here I sit, ne'er though am I lonely,
I have love inside my heart-only
I am not privy to my precious bequeath:
For this to come to me, more the soon-I do beseech!

For all other things in life mean not very much!
Man is lonely without his love-alone, without her touch!

Maurice Harris,18 March 2008

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Justicia Est Lux (Justice Is Light)

Justice is really quite simple, it is never up for debate-
Yet, debate e'er surrounds it nonetheless;
For some, justice itself becomes a long, arduous wait,
For a time when you finally convince others of your righteousness.
It is said: 'justicia et lux'-or, justice is light-
Light, where before only darkness reigned.
Justice is doing only and always what is right-
True justice, not just justice fallaciously feigned.

Imagine a world where justice was not just an ideal,
But, an inalienable right that no one could steal-
A world where truth alone matters, and naught else;
A world half as inspired as our Forefathers envisioned-
A world where truth becomes known, and is not decisioned-
Where verity dwells above all, no matter of what else!

-Maurice Harris,17 March 2011

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A Love, As Our's, Shan't There Be Compare

I shall love thee at all times, and in ways, innumerable-
My love for thee shall be without precedent-incalculable!
I shall love thee, at times e'en despite yourself;
Most gracious and giving may I be, owing to my heart's melt!

Though deserving of it, at times, debateable
You are solely causal for my heart, so stable!
Ne'er again shall I be without your love;
Ne'er again shall thee need want for wonderful thoughts of!

My love for thee can and shall have caused movement of mountains;
Causal it has been to the crossing of most vast of oceans!
Nary an impediment may be placed betwixt,
My love, surely e'en my broken heart may be fixed!

A love, as ours, shan't there be compare;
Amazedly gaze, do all others, fixed be their glare!

Maurice Harris,31 December 2007

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An Angel I Did Know

An Angel, I did know-with a broken wing,
Made she did, all around her, want to rejoice and sing!
Fragile mind had she, an imperfect appendage-as a comparison:
Patience and understanding-healing, is how it had been done!

My heart is here, awaiting your taking,
Be gentle with it my dear, for it is aching!
Broken and beaten, yet still strong it is-
Ready to travel life with you, no matter how long it is!

My best friend betrayed me, I shall ne'er be the same!
She, false witness to all, especially me-life, is not a game!
Taught me did she, the power of truth-what doth it mean;
Though now off the righteous path, lying like a fiend!

The love of my life is out there, somewhere-scared, as I,
This leaves with me the eternal query-why! ?

Maurice Harris,22 June 2008

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This Little Note

This is just a little note, to let you know I adore you;
No surprise I am sure, yet, never forget this, I implore you;
Perhaps one solitary moment you will find yourself
Reading these very words, and remind yourself-
That, no matter where you may then be-
We are made much the better, when we
Allow ourselves to be loved-and to love, in return;
With you considerate-the former is granted, the latter, I must earn;
I know our worlds have been quite desparate-
Yet I know, there is a world of wonder, here before us;
The Fates wish for us to consort:
This is our destiny, I shall allow naught to detour us;
Perhaps one day, far removed from whence first, you did read this little note,
You will be gladdened that you did heed this little note!

-Maurice Harris,14 January 2011

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The Looming Spectre Of My All-Consuming Grief

You broke my heart Lady Justice, and I may never forgive you-
What you have done may never be undone;
Alas, your iniquity is still something I must live through,
Even though the esteem I placed in you is now gone!
Your ideals are lofty, but your guardians are most certainly not,
Yet, you provide them with judicial immunity
To abscond with all that for which I have fought;
This provides them license to treat me with impugnity!

I shall believe in you again once the favor is returned;
Trust will only be gained once facts are properly verified-
None shall be offered ever again, until it is earned;
My position is perfectly clear and should be, thus, clarified:
Prove to me that you are worth my once-held belief-
And are not the looming spectre of my all-consuming grief!

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