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Jyo Jottypoet Love

thanks' - You Are 'welcome

"Thanks" the six letter word to play

It's just as sweet as you say

It means a lot to many of us

It carries love in an omnibus

But I will offer these seven letters to you

And "Thanks" will bear a lovely hue

Time to open the gates of my kingdom

In my world of poetry you are welcome

poem by Jyo Jottypoet LoveReport problemRelated quotes
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Poetic Embracement

Poetry - the mother of all emotion
Some call it mere ‘words in motion’
When I write, I love thee- Oh Poetry!
Thy branches deeper than the banyan tree
That’s why you are stronger than prose
Oh! Poetry! !

And as a poet I have all the freedom
And all the world’s verses in my kingdom
I can be fair or may be a little foul
I can see through the night like an owl
You can make night as day, your way
Oh! Poetry! Have your sway…

You have words stringed like beads
And a finger that pointedly needs
An applaud, a bow, a salutation
Sometimes a silent infatuation
You are the need of a man-to be free
That’s why you are –Poetry! !

[...] Read more

poem by Jyo Jottypoet LoveReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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