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Jacques du Lumerie

A poem read by no one

When the silence came
Nobody was there,
Nobody to hear the silence

Which was why, (nobody supposed)
There really was silence.

poem by Jacques du LumerieReport problemRelated quotes
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the moon


comes early
and silently...


the baby
at the gun
aimed for
it's head

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poem by Jacques du LumerieReport problemRelated quotes
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You forget at times...

You forget at times
How cruel war can be.
War has an excitement
All by itself,
And you are part of a group
And you feel the force.

But you forget
How cruel war can be

Until you see the graves of infants
Men hung on lampposts,
Crazed raped women
Laughing at each body
Of each dead man.

You forget how cruel
War can be
Until you pick up a mirror
And see the tears etched

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poem by Jacques du LumerieReport problemRelated quotes
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A Dream Of France

All over France
There was a dream,
It started, like all dreams
From one man.

Then the dream spread
Like a virus,
Until everyone had the dream
And everyone knew the dream.

Soon, the man who first had the dream
Was pushed aside, was shot
By the ones who picked up the dream
To make money from it.

People who did not share the dream,
People who dared to have other dreams...
Well, they were just dirt,
And men and women were killed
And children were re-educated

[...] Read more

poem by Jacques du LumerieReport problemRelated quotes
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