Evil Or Goodness Of Your Soul
super memory of you soul good great ur sweet the one with the sweetest heart the most brightest smile that would make even a dark and rainy day seem good evil never could u be ur devine a goddess i treasure every time i get to hear from you i pray and hope i never upset u make u mad or anything seeing you and knowin u thinking ur name is sweet its so good ur soul shines my heart smiles at the very thought of yer name i know ur not bad me i never wan cause any trouble jus think o you and speak to you for ur super great wow! ! ! please always stya the way u are for thats why ppl love ya ur so good may ur light shine even into infinity beyond and forever more
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sexy Sweet Woman
ur sweet sexy beautiful fine as u devine god i wish ur mine in ur eyes is fire thas full of desire ur heart beats to the sound of ever sweet eternity to know u hold u be with a feeling as intoxicating as such my heart beats to the sound tick tock tick tock like time towards u i want my heart beats and my breathes to be for you always forever now and more the memory of you it has burnt into my soul the very site of you the impression it has on me makes me wanna do super good the very sweet thought of u smiling makes my soul full of hope always a feeling id ask for to never end and always have it deep within me cuz of that feelin u give me the very thought of you
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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starshine light my way into distant lands far and wide starshine light my path the darkest darkness of the blackest night starshine lead me not astray starshine guide me to wonderous places amaze me forever more starshine of greatness goodness starshine of wonder starshine lead me off the broken path of lost loneliness starshine when all other lights fade from existence starshine be the only light that lights my way tonight thru these dark places of misery and sorrow eternal more starshine of the darkest night today tommorow and everyother night sparkle and shine starlight glitter always and forvermore for each and everyother night ill pray to the stars tonight
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Diamond soul
you sparkle and you shine your like a jewel that fell from the heavens looking into your eyes is hypnotizing anytime you smile it just feels right and your beautiful eyes they glitter like diamonds and gems being around you is a very intoxicating feeling I thank the stars and the gods in the heavens above that i got to know you and meet you when i hear your name it just sounds so good to hear and listen my heart beats and ticks like a clock when i think of you i hope and pray that your name always be remembered into infinite and beyond to the very end of time itself i know ill always remember you always your personality shines and glitters like a diamond thats how bright you'll always be to me
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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It Is...! ?
FOLlow mE iNto tHe darknEss leTouR SOuLS B cOnSUmED By all thaS un hoLY AND eViL INTo ThE mIdDLE oF ALl tHiS CHAOS FInd Ur cEntEr iN ThE DEePEst rEaChEs weRE feW tReND To WandEr eXCePT thOSe cRazY In sEARcH oF TheRE SElVeS the tRUtH Of WaT U sEek IOnLy In UR DaR CENTeR u wIll FInd bUt mOrE Wat u sEARcH fOR U FInD uNtRuTH ANd hALF LieS clarITy iS WAT u Also FInD iNto tHe deseRT ISOlAtiOn LinLiNeSs u LoOK FOR And lonLiNeSs IS WaT u GEt an EtErNiTy of wAndErInG aImLEsSly In sEaRch oF AnEW AdVEntURe OnLy WheN U COme a seLF ReALizatiOn U wiLL come baCK To realITy and hIt tHe WAll haRD kNowiNg an ThINKIng wHat WAs ThiS WorTh iT AsK UR seLF that MY fRIENd is wandEriNg ThE HALls of insAniTy woRth iT For trUTh?
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Trying To Be...
In this life i must try try as i may and try as i might fail or succeed it not mean thy same to me my hearts like an open book but with all thy pages ripped and torn my soul falls to darkness eternity of lonliness now and forever more until twilight vale falls upon my surroundings a journey this life seems like...
sailing here an there far and near thy starlight fades away in to divinity and eternity gone is greatness here is the bleakest of thy darkest days ahead always...
my souls gits consumed i do not much and dont bother to fight back for i would fail with out trying matters lil no more but in this life i guessum one must trry to be sumthing an succeed or fail miserably and fade away to nothing more....
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Untitled 65567
your sweet beautiful kind a heart of good eyes as beautiful to look inot as they look into everyones soul in the bottom of your soul a greatness filled with love and a fullfillness of sweetness hearts beats lasting as long as a life age a thought so so pure so nice really kind when seasons change and days get long and short and full moons fill the sky and outshine all the stars combined knowin u is like all this wen winter leaves and a beautiful spring arrvies and all is lush and green soa re thought of u and ur beauty time seems to stand stil speakin to you ur smile ur happiness outshines all other things in anyones lives may heavens eternal bless you always and forever for you deserve no less always the best.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Smile Of Wonder
u smile u shine the sunshines brighter wen u smile beautifully as such like anything esle wen it rains it pours and id pour my love out to u noew and forever more on the darkest day of the worst time in history things could be bad but to see ur msile even breifly would melt away the darkness the rainclouds go way and the sun come out ur love is like that a warm sunlight that warms my heart wen the dark ness goes away and the light retunrs a rainbow forms but at the end of it all just to be able to see there instead of gold i would choose ur company over any treasure seein u smile and shine makes the darkness deep down in my soul go away cuz ur like a light of ever sweet divinity wen u smile eveything jus seems better
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Torn Soul
we were never much we were just freinds we had feelings for each other i sayd i love u and u said the same to me we said we'd always be close and nothing would ever sperate us then outta the blue u met sumone he loved u and u loved him and then u slowly forgot me ur once good freind u went on and on and met others and slowly forgot bout me i was out of the picture inside over time my insides feel like they are melting away and slowly get ripped asunder i dont complain cuz i know one day ull come around and say hi and see me and like days of old we'll be catching up on on old days and i know that if u should not do that my heart slowly beats less and less and inside my soul gets torn and shredded into little bits of nothing.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Shadow Walker
walk in the shadow of others go alone be not with anyone esle be but at the mercy of the great destroyer hide in darkness eternal wander thru where others fear to tread go swift and quietly as to not wake the dark ones be brave and bold as jones and trevors in the olden days of they adventures think of not of love for no one loves u u are aloNE go forth into the blackness of forever wander thru until u can come forth with ur new mission ur directives are to proceed forth with into dangerous territories be brave be tough think not of anything good of everything bad may fear help guide u into and out of such place and may u make it to the lights of eternal solitude and then u can b successful and continue ur mission and be gone.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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