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Coreena Dejesus

CP- Broken Fridge

I was cold and kept your food,
One day someone defrosted my mood.
They chizzled away my frosty side,
They broke me and I died.
Waterworks and Papa Smurf broke me,
Now look you food I know longer see.
Throw me away in the dumpster I’ll go,
Your food somewhere else to stow.

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CP- To Mader

So one night it was dark and I couldn’t see,
I picked up my phone no one to disagree.
I was in possession of a beautiful phone,
Even though the phone was of a girlie tone.
I started checking my message to find out,
That maybe this isn’t my phone – hmm doubt.
But could this be the phone of my eye candy,
Maybe she could be unmarried and change her name to Sandy.
Hmm the possibilities of the owner of the stolen phone,
Oh goodness maybe I should watch my tone.
I return the untouchable phone back to her,
“I thought it was my phone” I said in transfer.
Oh the purple phone that was like mine,
Oh purple phone oh purple phone I let out a sigh….

poem by Coreena DejesusReport problemRelated quotes
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10/31/2007 Command Post Controller

I work in the command post,
You wouldn’t know there everywhere from coast to coast.
We work while everyone else is wake and sleeping,
We do things that help our nations safe keeping.
No one understands the command post because,
No one fully grasps what the command post does.

Know this though,
Controllers are at work even in the snow.
Holidays we are still here,
24-7 every day of the year.

I work in the command post,
Family I miss the most.
But I don’t gripe nor complain,
I’m proud to serve I have no shame.

Next time your working your nine to five,
Remember controllers actions help keep you alive.
When you lay your head down and asleep you drift,

[...] Read more

poem by Coreena DejesusReport problemRelated quotes
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