On the Wings of Love
Relax my love breathe in ease
Breathe deeply like the morning breeze
Look into my eyes and fear no more
Relax your body mind and soul
Close your eyes...let the journey begin
Leave your inhibition and spread your wings
So serene and tranquil it will be
Away from this troubled world we see
I will fly you on my wings of love
Submission is the answer to above
To a place where I want us to be
Machu Pichu is now what I see
Imagine now we're flying so high
Almost reaching up to the sky
Here comes the mountain, a natures gift
The clouds engulf as we lift
The Urubamba river valley far below
Magnificent is the view, as the river flows
The story of the Incas, mystery unknown
Perhaps a landscape art or a lost throne
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poem by Meena Mustafa
Added by Poetry Lover
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Mark of a Man
Deep as the ocean, steep as a hill
Watch out for the currents... they may even kill
The softness in his voice, the lust in his eyes
Is the mark of a man he'll tell many lies...
He'll walk into your life, like a morning breeze
Will play with your emotions and then he'll freeze...
He will leave many roses, and wait for your call
Crazy to the extent, to inscribe on the wall
Will follow you like a shadow, at times it will haunt
But just the three words will melt you he's all that you want.... (I love you)
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poem by Meena Mustafa
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Happy Birthday by Meena Mustafa
Birthdays mean a lot to me and memories that I hold
This is the song that we hear, even when we are old
I am so happy, it's my birthday what else do I say
I thank my parents who brought me here in this world today
It seems now I've travelled from days when I was so young
It still echoes back to me when happy birthday is sung
Oh, how I remember my frilly frock, how dirty did it get
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poem by Meena Mustafa
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Left behind...by Meena Mustafa
Leaves may wither, flowers may die, seasons may change and time may fly
The clouds I see up in the sky, brings the rain and miseries why?
I tried my best as a child at play
No worries did I have and enjoyed each day
I could run my fastest but still get beat
At times I would land on my head not feet
But what is it that was stuck in my mind?
The wish never to be left behind.
Time flew by with a blink of an eye
Mysteries unfold...there's nothing to lie
The harder I was thrown...the higher I bounced
Nothing came easy as it was all pronounced
Name it as destiny or the state of mind
I tried my best never to be left behind
Now after all these years I see the grey
Wrinkled skin...no child at play
My frail body and humbled soul
With time my life has taken its toll
My existence slowly fades away
In the midst of darkness, I kneel and pray
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poem by Meena Mustafa
Added by Poetry Lover
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Left Behind...
Leaves may wither, flowers may die,
seasons may change and time may fly
The clouds I see up in the sky,
brings the rain and miseries why?
I tried my best as a child at play
No worries did I have and enjoyed each day
I could run my fastest but still get beat
At times I would land on my head not feet
But what is it that was stuck in my mind?
The wish never to be left behind.
Time flew by with a blink of an eye
Mysteries unfold...there's nothing to lie
The harder I was thrown...the higher I bounced
Nothing came easy as it was all pronounced
Name it as destiny or the state of mind
I tried my best never to be left behind
Now after all these years I see the grey
Wrinkled skin...no child at play
My frail body and humbled soul
With time my life has taken its toll
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poem by Meena Mustafa
Added by Poetry Lover
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I'm a misogamist, and I have my reasons to be this way
What good is a marriage? When divorce is the price you pay.
To me it's only a stigma or a ritual I can say
Just to have legal sex…I call end of the day
If you are born with a free will
Then why tie a knot?
It just makes things worse and marriage comes to rot.
When two people are so different in thoughts that they hold
How can they live a life together even when they are old.
It all starts good when dating is the game
Then comes the wedding…Life is not the same
A week or two is beautiful with honeymoon on its way…
Then comes the reality of bread and butter each day
Slowly the love vanishes… in arguments and some fights
A time comes when none can stand each other for a night
Then come's the cheating game to fill the gap they must
Keep lovers on the side, for some pleasure and lust
Then finally comes the day when the bitter truth is disclosed
They can no longer be together behind closed doors…
So this is the price they pay for being tied in a knot
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poem by Meena Mustafa
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Life of a Flight Stewardess
Welcome to my world where life is on a go
Different destinations to and fro
Life of a stewardess glamorous indeed
Wait till you see how many they feed
New faces to encounter as they board the flight
Some so silly...scared of the height
Screaming and yelling....get me out
This is what passengers are all about
As the plane takes off they stand upright
Or ask to be seated by the window at night (Lolz...
It makes me laugh yet I go insane
Passengers will never always be the same
The lavatory door opens...how do they lock?
Until you see them in a state of shock (lolz....
Embarrassed as hell....them or me?
Take a flight to Bangladesh you'll see
Then you are out with the cart
All you smell is just their fart
How gross can that be, you hold your breath tight
'Cause you are paid to be a stewardess and be on the flight...
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poem by Meena Mustafa
Added by Poetry Lover
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