?'Who Is ACRK
I write of love, of hate, of anguish
But not of wat is
..who is Anita Crystal Rose Khelawan
Anita named after the soultry sensation Anita Baker
Crystal... a nomenclature given by my father
An appellation used soley by my grandmother
Rose..so delicate the best of its kind
And like that flower it reflects my frame of mind
A rose does not bare just one colour
The rose's semblance emulates a description of my character
I am a red rose - courageous & respectful
I am a black rose - mysterious & occasionally borrow trouble
I am a yellow and white rose - graceous & joyful
But i am 'Crystal Rose'
Khelawan a surname that's frozen in time
Khelawan I am lead to believe it's a fabricated name
It represents a new start relinquishing anger and pain..rejecting everything inhumane
Gaping at this picture the only time I've smiled was when I was a child
Times changed and this upward curving of the corners of the mouth is no longer my style
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poem by Anita Khelawan
Added by Poetry Lover
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