You Have Attempted To
you have attempted to,
cloud my mind like,
a wonderful garden of green,
where could you be? ,
snapping a camera window,
taking a picture to last,
but it does nothing because,
I can't touch you to see how,
it feels to you,
you have attempted to,
sex with you,
play with your toes,
under the hot heat sun,
rub our backs tonight,
Kiss-hug-& tell,
spin the bottle,
til that dress comes off,
hey boy she said quit,
got so hot today,
the heat from the sun,
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poem by Tommy Laster
Added by Poetry Lover
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Barrel Of A Gun
Click snap bang boom,
range gun shot in zoom lens,
don't step on my toes,
I'll step on your toes too,
you at the barrel of a gun I say boom,
love your looks so,
I shot your ex to get to you,
remember when you spoke,
it was music to my ears,
your dad came in,
lock his jock in his gun,
so I took my barrel,
pointed it to his forehead,
like blood that's blood red,
barrel of a gun like your ex,
small small head,
she spoke to me,
told me to have love with my hand,
all bets off no kiss & tell stand,
watch my hand stance jack my hand,
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poem by Tommy Laster
Added by Poetry Lover
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Azul Poesía Navidad Sin Ti
Huevo Nogg sobre la mesa para una sola
Árbol de Navidad iluminado solo verla
Comprado todo esto se presenta nadie para abrir
Salas vacías con luces de navidad colgado todo
Falta la mano cuando se use para tocar
Esta Navidad es tan vacío por dentro que me
Tengo mi familia, pero ninguna mujer a mi lado
Beber coca caliente por la nieve en el frente
All by myself pensando si ciervos lluvia podía volar
Papá Noel en la azotea
Su solitaria llevando este sombrero de Papá Noel
All by myself de nuevo
Tengo una poesía de Navidad azul sin ti
No va a ser la verdadera navidad verdadero
Falta estás mirando regalos bajo el árbol
Poesía de Navidad mientras habla con la familia
Sin ti a mi lado para ocultar mis sentimientos
Árbol de Navidad iluminado con luces para Navidad
Falta de usted dentro de mi corazón
Papá Noel me preguntó qué es lo que quieres para Navidad
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poem by Tommy Laster
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Todos mis viajes de Lonely
utilizar para beber todo el tiempo,
arrancado del cielo a la tierra,
encerrar a dos o tres veces antes,
usted no sabe cómo se va a resbalar,
He fracasado una vez abajo,
tomando pastillas para el dolor en la Navidad,
para aliviar mis errores de lastimarla,
déjame decirte ahora,
lavar todos estos platos,
nadie alrededor para darme un beso,
en todos mis viajes solitarios,
y la gente me miraba divertido,
una vez miedo de ir a la iglesia,
Yo no quiero ser juez,
para hablar con Dios al rey,
ahora ya no me importa lo que todos,
pensar en mí,
no se puede hacer perfecto,
a partir de un trozo de cuerda,
tan emocional Tommy,
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poem by Tommy Laster
Added by Poetry Lover
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Want To Get Her
I want to just chill,
be me and no one else,
you see only what,
you allow yourself to see in me,
I want your mind wondering,
why i'm taking it easy,
letting you get the first words in,
I'm not a book but a novel,
once you read the pages,
then you decide to follow,
forgive me for things I said,
also for the things left unsaid,
just trying to break bread,
want to get her,
but I want no fussing,
between me & her,
like a cruise ship without a missile,
ready to jump back on it phizzle,
she is strong like a lily pad,
her flower springs daily,
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poem by Tommy Laster
Added by Poetry Lover
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Tuby Fuby
Everybody in the party like Tuby Fuby,
She got my wallet like Hubby Hubby,
Playing In the mud like Muby Muby,
Calling me her turby Burby,
Danceing in the club like she don't know me,
In Line like Hokey pokey,
Drinking hot coffee like sweet motion,
Picking up friends Locomotion,
playing with her golf hole holy polor,
Everybody in grand stands u didn't know me,
We be drinking in here like sweet sensation,
Me and her conversation,
Big Potato in microwave cookie pookie,
Need new kitchen sink sookie sookie,
Tuby Fuby we party like its 1990 to the nine,
Everybody on their own time,
Calling me still like ghetto phone line,
We drinking up a storm windows busting,
Tornado hit the sun (snowing outside) ,
Tuby Fuby I undress her she my homie,
[...] Read more
poem by Tommy Laster
Added by Poetry Lover
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