Evolution [my Life's Journey]
Oh how sad it makes me feel
As I hear the footsteps of my youth
Grow fainter and fainter with every passing day
Leaving me nothing but memories,
Of my boundless energy and my lust for life
Seeking knowledge and truths
Looking forward to the days and years ahead
Letting my imagination take me to places
I may never see except through my minds eye
Where melting snows became a raging river,
Or blowing snow and howling wind,
Became a far off desert
But as reality took over fantasy
What we once could see is no longer visible
And just like a sculptor father time etching our faces
Taking away our youth with each strike of his chisel
With the hammer of time
Removing what was and leaving us with what is to be
Oh how we cling to those days of our youth
For those were the days when the world was ours
poem by David Kush
Added by Poetry Lover
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