Bushy The Possum
The possum
is riding
my son's bike
by the soft glow
of the moon
smart too
doesn't need lights
wears a helmet
in case he crashes
enjoys his cycling
as his just desserts
for his tricky
high wiring
between houses
when searching for food
frustrating the cats
poem by Vince Gullaci
Added by Poetry Lover
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You're Not Going To Believe
I tell you
I was kidnapped
by little green men
they beamed me up
to their saucer shaped den
first dissected
then unlike Humpty
they put me
together again
before ejecting me
back to Earth
faster than I could say
Big Ben
with my lucky tale
of being imperfect
thank you
quality control.
poem by Vince Gullaci
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Christmas Beetle
The Christmas beetle
long black and flat
dropped from the paling fence
near a plant I had been watering
the little Aussie battler
made a beeline
straight to the puddle
though in the minute
to get there
the water was gone
for Anoplognathus pellidicollis
enough was enough
this drought
had to be
turned back.
poem by Vince Gullaci
Added by Poetry Lover
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Burgers Or Fries
The little sparrow
doesn't cadge a feed
earns it by wile
watches the mechanical doors
open and shut
follows people
in or out
dines on a smorgasbord
of burgers and fries
for the little sparrow
no hunger pain
tomorrow he'll do it
my last feed
came out of a bottle
as soon as I walk in
the staff
shoo me out.
poem by Vince Gullaci
Added by Poetry Lover
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Glenroy Station Pastoral
This pastoral symphony
played out
from the station speakers
leaves the masses unmoved
gesturing wildly with one hand
the other
welding their cell phone
to the ear
but the crows seem inspired
to swirls and swoops
back and forth
from the nearby tower
as the music
rises and falls
the black birds
almost poetic
in their freedom
compared to the ant like activity
poem by Vince Gullaci
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Affinity To Dixie
I love the words
antebellum jambalaya gumbo okra grits
the immortal songs of Hank Williams
graceland mansions tar paper shacks
spanish moss pecan trees
giant magnolia blooms
scenting the southern air
bayous moonshine
water snakes alligators
Cajun foods Creole cooking
New Orleans Blues
the great rockers
Elvis and Jerry Lee
Little Richard Fats Domino
the indomitable Ray Charles
Harper Lee's
To Kill A Mockingbird
I've never been to Dixie
but I would if I could.
poem by Vince Gullaci
Added by Poetry Lover
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