Grave Yard Suicide
I walked through the local cemetery last night.
It was so quiet, everyone was sleeping.
All quiet everything at peace.
I felt so welcome, so at home
there among the deceased.
I began thinking, why do I continue on?
why must I inhale even one more breath?
when all I dream of is the means to an end.
That can only be brought about by death.
Was it time for the end?
Yes it was I had to go
This was the choice which I faced
After all, everyday is merely a continuation
of the one which passed us by.
There have ben times when I felt slightly hopeful
but there was never any hope when I most needed it.
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poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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The silent child never spoke
There she sits alone in her room.
And wipes away her tears.
Hiding beneath the covers so no one else hears.
She wraps them tight around her for noone else to see.
Praying if there is a God to make her safe again.
She hides deep into covers holding
Cuddling her little teddy bear as she cries her tears.
She waits for the assurance that all has gone to bed.
Hoping and praying maybe he'll leave her alone tommorow.
And not find an excuse to get her alone.
In the morning she shivers with her childlike fear.
As she starts to cry knowing what he has come here for
Although she doesn't know why.
He made his excuse to look after her.
He tells her she is special that she's his little girl.
As he pulls back the covers he rapes her on her bed.
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poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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When tommorow begins without me
When tomorrow begins the new day,
I will not be here for you to see.
Please dont let the sun rise
and see the tears you shed for me.
I don't want you to cry for me like you did today.
I wish so much you wouldn't cry.
The way you did today,
I know how much you loved me,
And I loved you all too.
And of corse I understand that you'll miss me.
I will miss you too but your all in my heart.
But now when tomorrow begins without me,
Please try to find it in your heart understand.
Gods angels called my name,
They reached out a hand to me and said it's time to go.
And So I took theire hand.
My place was ready in heaven above.
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poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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