One Has To Move
I drive a car
He rides a motor bike
Everybody moves the way one likes
Go place to place by some means
Camel and bullock cart
In the villages
Some ride
Donkeys and horses since ages
People who live near to water
Move by ship or steamer
Rivers are not big as the sea
One uses boat or ferry
When they move they make merry
Aero planes and helicopters
Reach you faster than others
Riding a bicycle two by two
Is slow but steady
In truck or bus
One has company of many
Travelling by train is very enjoying
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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Provide water and air which is clean and pure
Is the most important
Need of life
The miracle liquid
Is scarce and polluted
Specially in the villages
The poor and needy
Are force to drink it in plenty
Science and technology
Is being used more and more
By all the countries
Underdeveloped nations
In their urge
To become developed
Use resources
In an unbalanced manner
Nobody bothers
About the poor villagers
Industries of rich and powerful
Pollute environment and soil
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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Boredom is in the mind, throw it in the gutter
The day seemed boring
Dull and dreary
I tried reading
Kept the book on the side
After a while
I tried gardening
That wasn’t enjoying
I kept cursing
That didn’t help
Passing time
Became challenging
Irritability increasing
Decided to visit the river nearby
Sat on a bench
To view the flowing water
Sitting on the bench next to mine
Sat an elderly couple
Throwing pebbles in the water
Laughing and giggling
Comparing who threw farthest
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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Guilt Complex
He was my closest friend
From childhood
Shared good and bad time
Always wanted me
To reach greater heights
Started disapproving
The ways and means
I used to fulfill my dreams
My failures created doubts
For him in my mind
Started blaming him
For what I could not achieve
Held him responsible
For all my failures
Our friendship fell apart
I had lost someone
Who was my life’s part?
Time passed
I faced defeat after defeat
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lie would win over truth
He was
Shabbily dressed,
On his unshaven face
Pain in the eyes
He entered my chamber
Politely asked for a
Ten-rupee note
To buy medicine for his
Ailing wife
Without thinking much
I gave the note to him
After few days
He came back again
With the same story
Another note
Was given to him
By his third visit
I came to know
He was an imposter
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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Romance of the souls
Kept on speaking
Telling me
How to deal with
Life’s intricacies
How to remain calm
In difficulties
And keep smiling
I kept on listening
So involved and
Mesmerized I was
I didn’t know
When she had
Stopped speaking
She reacted pleasantly
Asked me
Were you not listening?
I came out of
My deep thoughts
No, No
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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About Me
I take
Life as it comes
Never depressed by
What may not come?
See brightness
In a dark sky
To get it,
Always ready to fly
Search happiness
Wherever I can find
In man or woman
I never mind
Contentment is my
Favorite thought
With that in mind,
I'm never distraught
Always play a fair game
Never use
Any means of shame
Age is no bar for me
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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First Ray of Sun
First ray of sun
Travels to the earth
From high skies
Light of day begins to shine
Sun rises slowly, far in the sky
Goes higher and higher
As time trickles
Mountains are the first
To see the rising beauty
Sky is full with rainbow colors
Dark shades of night
Not to be seen
Every heart sighs in relief
Fills with joy when sees the light
Light and colors inspires every life,
Give a meaning to love and desire
Birds keep chirping
Wind keeps flowing
Mist is lost with the advent of heat
Evaporates to the sky above
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poem by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra Tela
Added by Poetry Lover
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