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Romeo Della Valle

A Touch of Reality

Today frets with grief
Only frairy tales will be remembered,
Lasting as long as the suffering
Of rejection and external biases
That hurt so much while you are alive...

I can't deny the crossfire
or explain why they aim for your heart
As though to break it were success
And to start it were a test
To prove how far you can be pressed
Before the taking of your soul
Which may turn out to be
A blessing after all...

So I wake but it seems,
It may be too late for me after all...
Even with all the compromises,
The crying and the refusing
To realize that it can be given

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Where Are You?

Where are you my love?
Hiding behind the Moon
Or perhaps you are
Hiding in the very bottom
Of the deep Sea?
It seems I can only find you in parts
But never as a whole!
Are you afraid of our destiny?
As a happy couple together?

I am finally convinced
That you are the woman
Of my precious dream!
How do I know?
Accidentally, I heard
Your dear friends whispering
That you said loud and clear
I was your dreamed man!
But where the heck are you?
It seems I cannot find you

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poem by Romeo Della ValleReport problemRelated quotes
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New York's Dilemma

Out on the streets of New York,
The first appearance of morning,
A preliminary warning
That a new day has begun
While my expectations rise high
As numbers filter through my mind,
Avenues and streets become a network
When studios and skyscrapers somehow
Coincide to take me anywhere
When my heart desires...

Weary faces passing through
The cross-road of the world,
Holding frozen thoughts and muted words,
In the very heart of Times Square,
Some looking happy or tired,
These faces are clear signs
And must be read quickly
To learn their story hidden behind
Or absolve their tiredness or vitality...

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poem by Romeo Della ValleReport problemRelated quotes
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As The World Spins

Nothing is left behind dying,
Save the things one can do without...
The best of the world is made better
And it is possible to arrive somewhere...

If the truth is significant,
Why nobody wants to believe or care?
That is the defense, that is the pretense
Which curses every motion
And poisons my devotion,
I cannot take it or leave it...
So, I will be always guessing
Until at last I do no longer recognize
The lover behind the mask...

Winter sent a spring day
To warm a frozen heart
When all seemed desolate
In need of a new start,
A cry was heard in heaven

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poem by Romeo Della ValleReport problemRelated quotes
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Earth's Day!

Today we celebrate Earth's Day
With plenty of joy and great concerns
For this great creation
By the Mighty One above
Is about to go back to dust,
If we don't take precautions
To save it for generations to come!

At the beginning,
Everything was dark and cold
But by divine intervention,
The light, for the first time
Came out to be enjoyed
By all human forms
Throughout the infinity of time!

The precious fresh water,
The key to our own survival
And now heavily contaminated,
Due our own negligence,

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A Tempered Tantrum Girl

Irene was her name,
Everyone knew about her strength
And we were nervously waiting for her...

We knew she was dangerous
And could cause tremendous damages
To our Cityscape...

We paid careful attention to details
Given to us by the weather's men
About her scaring approaching...

She was mad, mean and strong
And did not care
If we were children, old or young...

She was leaving her devastating traces behind
And New York City she was going to hit!
For human lives she got no regard
And only one mission she has in its mind...

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Citizen of the World

After so many years of struggling, trying to find my own identity, I finally realize that I am not an alien at all...Since I don't come from another planet! I am a Citizen of the world!

When every morning
The sunset makes its appearance,
In a harmonious ways
And clearly reflecting the spectra on earth,
The flowers dance with great joy
And a new day is born...

The tree's branches shake
As sign of celebration
While the ocean welcomes it
With a bewitching soft breeze...
Magical colors blended in the horizon,
While the birds happily sing
To honor the new day...

New thoughts, ideas and challenges

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poem by Romeo Della ValleReport problemRelated quotes
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