The Victory Day
The 8th -9th of May – the Greatest Day,
the Saint Holiday – the Victory Day.
A holiday with glee and spree,
a holiday with tears that appear
remembering those soldiers,
the heroes of the Second World War.
Those hardcore days
we don’t want to face anymore.
That was the largest war
in the history of mankind,
I don’t want you to be blind
but to know and remember the facts:
almost 58 million of men were lost.
Wasn’t it the highest cost?
62 countries out of 73
fought against fascist regime
in one international team.
More than 80% of the Earth population
were involved in military operation,
covering the territories of 40 countries,
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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A letter from the 20th century
On the 22nd of June in 1941
The Great Patriotic War in my Motherland had begun.
It was Sunday early morning,
the country peacefully slept,
but a horrible idea Hitler had kept.
Without announcing the war he had given order
to bomb the Soviet Republics border.
Hitler planned to capture the country
by unexpected military actions.
He was sure to occupy the country
and turn into slaves the nations.
But his plans failed
and his wailing voice was deadened
by the voice of Levitan,
the Russian radio announcer
who reported about the war.
Then everyone swore
to defend our Motherland
and stand up to the end, hand in hand.
Hitler didn’t understand
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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The Sea
It is very early morning,
the days growth is just beginning.
I am already at the sea shore,
My favorite sea which I adore.
An early morning mist
Hides the ships on the road,
Waiting for their turn to be unloaded.
The rising sun breaks the dawn
and at last the mist has gone.
The caravan of the sun rays
runs quickly on the seas’ surface.
The sea shines with silver and gold,
It’s a hold of different sounds
which are the compounds
of the seagulls cry telling hi,
the splashes of the waves
loving to make new caves.
The warm breeze is so rorty
and the seagulls are so naughty,
they dance over the sea, they dabble,
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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I Learn And Study English
- Let’s start from the very beginning!
- Ok, I know, it’s a very good place to start.
- If you want to know how to read
you have to learn the alphabet.
As far as we are not in a race
you can face 26 letters in one phrase.
“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog”.
Now we’ll have some dialogue.
You’ll see how new words appear,
I hope everything will be clear.
For example: to admire – admiration,
to inspire – inspiration. Now you, please!
And pray be at your ease!
- To desire – desiration.
- Oops! My voice whoops!
Well, when you study English
you have to distinguish:
one goose but many geese.
-What about a moose?
Are they meese?
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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I Am Laura's Stomach
I Am Laura’s Stomach
It’s Monday morning, she’s got up.
When I asked her for breakfast
she told me to shut up.
When I asked her for my porridge
or at least for an orange
she told me to keep quiet
as from today she was on diet.
She has noticed cellulite
and decided to get rid of it.
In the day time it was a real crime,
she didn’t put anything inside me,
so, I thought to remind her about me.
I switched on the gurgling of my gastric juice
(after all I had nothing to lose)
at an average speed,
hoping she would hear me and would feed.
But nooooo! My anger began to grow.
I decided to strengthen the gurgling, the rumbling,
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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For Whom To Fish Or Hunt
I will not write about love or separations,
About types of men are my cogitations.
Number one is a man of super class.
Abundance of them goes to the mass.
A car is the main thing in his life,
He marries it and it becomes his wife.
He is free like a bird and forever in flight
The highway he travels days and at night.
Another one here seems to be like a gift,
Intelligent, quiet, in all he likes thrift.
He loves himself, to others indifferent,
So often cheats and so much prudent.
Many times divorced he everyone kicks
And to marry again he does not risk.
This one is assured with cars and a house
It takes him a second to unbutton your blouse,
He looks exactly like a crown prince,
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Such a sweet word!
But it can’t be presented as an award
even by our Lord.
Freedom is the main value of human life
but to get it you have to go through a strife.
Freedom is when you have a choice,
when you can hear your own voice.
You choose friends, books, teachers, films….
The rest is just program which you can’t change
but only manage this program to arrange.
The rest is just an illusion
with a lot of confusion.
Illusion of freedom, illusion of safety
generates violence and cruelty in our society.
But…anyway…with every right choice
you get more knowledge and life experience,
you get freedom without anyone interference.
One can feel free even in prison
being there for some reason.
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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Disappearing Generation
We’ve got used to the disappearance of some people,
we just worry a while and then forget, sometimes regret,
it’s merely a question of time.
But…it’s a pity when we don’t care a dime
when the whole generation disappears,
when nothing good to follow appears.
I would like to speak about the generation of women over fifty.
They are certainly not guilty, I mean, of their age,
which anyone shouldn’t accept with rage.
But today those women seldom appear on the screens, in the scenes,
they seldom visit theaters and cinema halls,
their places are occupied by young dolls.
They do not go abroad,
This trip some of them can’t afford.
But where are they?
Where do they stay?
They are in a hospital, in a market, in a flat,
little by little getting fat.
They are defenceless, often dreamless,
they do not go out, they do not shout,
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
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Ballad about the soldier
This story is about the soldier, an ordinary guy
who wanted to live, didn't want to die.
He was a good friend, his classmates said,
the things he did were not a regret.
He lived and dreamed, breathed the same air with us,
he was so much naive and it was his plus.
He was the guy of ready sympathy and brave
just and ordinary guy who would never liked to be a slave.
Nobody could deny that he was a bit of a hesitating guy
as he couldn't make his girlfriend a declaration of love,
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poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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