Fantasy Of My Dreams
I am drousing
in my dream
the muses
are singing.
Uncle J.P;
in my sleep
that Agbor girl
still dances.
Over there,
the Sirens;
they are
and my ship,
I think
it is sinking.
Oh, Orpheus
where art
thy music?
Who else could
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poem by Efe Benjamin
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I tease Jami
I tease Jami
If you see her, please
Tell her this for me,
She is my Beatrice,
She steals my dreams
She is too beautyful for me,
But I think she's made for me.
I kiss Jami
Though it's only a dream
But to me it feels so real.
I tease Jami
She's always had my poems,
Though she's never liked them,
So I rewrote them.
I tease Jami
For Mr. Petty she had sweet kids
She's never liked distant dating,
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poem by Efe Benjamin
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Jami Nduwimana Petty [With You Only I Have Had Perfect Communications]
How now can I forget so soon
How when we first met
Just two years ago
In the nook and thorns
Of my beloved Africa
And you, far away in America
I was bathing in hell and fire
And the other angels watching
And singing hymns of praises
To the almighty in highest
Praise be to religion
Mohammed and Jesus Christ.
Who invent hell, fire and heaven,
But of cause the camel
Can never pass through the
Needles eyes at the gate
And so certain was my fate
And they all knew how bland a sinner I was
That they needed no Minos
To show me my place in hell.
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poem by Efe Benjamin
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A Poem Of Delirium
A poem of delirium
my lines, they're so delicious
even tho' I sound capricious
cook them, you can still eat them up
like a hotdog.
I hate dogs
they're all too barky
miss duckie, she's just too funky
oops! my phone's ringing
who's calling?
hello, it's mr. Longthing.
I don't know why,
my line's always tight
who wanna start a fight?
I've done this before
let me do it again
who can tell his own fate?
my song's always wrong.
I tease Jami
those guys at Germany
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poem by Efe Benjamin
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The Best Poets [Reprise]
The best poets are not born yet
Come to Africa, America, Asia;
There are poets of old; renown
Yet there are more unknown.
Wordsworth and Shakespeare differs
Soyinka and Clark are philosophers
Don't confuse Religion with Church
They are two seperate things
If no, you can tax your memory
Religion is our belief and how we
communicate with our God
God, our maker made us out of his own love.
But if that love has so deluded us
Then somthing must have gone wrong.
Today, the Church has become more of a business venture;
Pastors now fly on private jets;
Hungry children can't be fed.
Poetry, philosophy, and photography
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poem by Efe Benjamin
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Caprice [Bad Poetry]
or Capricious,
I'm ferocious
not delicious
taste me
I bet you want to spit me
kiss me
I'm salty
not funky
that's miss duckie.
I hate sundays
hypocrites all over the places
I prefer mondays,
my workdays.
Who's Becky
just too freaky for my liking.
apprientice magic
could have killed Mogana
but that would end the drama
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poem by Efe Benjamin
Added by Poetry Lover
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