The King
He stands alone.
Determined to unite all for the greater good.
A man of strong will and faith.
The weight and opposition is vast,
there at every turn to discourage and destroy the forces of righteousness that he has built and fought for.
As the opposition grows many of his forces weaken under the immense pressure and darkness.
Many abandon him for the pleasures of the flesh.
He is deeply saddened and distraught by the weakness of man and their lacivious nature.
Further and further the blackness grows,
over the earth suffocating all that is just.
He has finally reached the point of thourough despair and heartbreak. All of his greatest commanders and confidants have turned their backs on him, having lost faith in him and the cause.
Despair, sorrow, bewilderment, suicide haunt him day and night.
He is broken, robbed of his will, self-respect, and faith.
He himself falls away leaving only the tinniest glimmer of hope in the world.
After a long journey of debauchery, self loathing, enjoying all sins of the flesh, and exploring the dark arts he is left a bitter broken man. Thouroughly distraught and void of but the few remnants of the man he once was.
Finally he falls to his knees and begs for forgiveness, determined to free himself from this bondage.
Now he turns back to the light prepared to pick himself up and rise from the ashes.
After a long difficult internal battle he begins to pick up the pieces again and rebuild his kingdom.
With renewed passion and strength he once again faces the opposition and begins to drive it back.
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poem by Michael McParland
Added by Poetry Lover
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