The storms of Life
Sometimes sad things happen in our life
they flare up suddenly and cause us strife.
The barriers that we put up against the flow
break down in floods of tears and sorrow.
Troubles fall like raindrops pelting down
welling into a flood in which we might drown.
We do our utmost to cope with the strain
but so many hurts cause our soul much pain.
Like in storms the raindrops seem really huge
and they gather into an irresistible deluge.
They test the fortitude of our minds defence
and when they burst through the pain's intense.
As we lay in bed in the early hours of the day
we cannot withstand them to our dismay.
They come crashing in like a forceful torrent
causing tears to flow out of us as we lament.
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poem by Royston
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Everlasting love
'Twas over 45 years ago that we became aware
of each other at school and sweet love did flare.
Unhindered by youth our love in infancy began
and had started according to God's great plan.
Then to Stratford by coach we went on our way
to see Romeo and Juliet the Shakespearean play.
Such a great love story penned so many years ago
and tragic relationship which ended in such woe.
Can such love as theirs exist in this world today?
Then in our hearts something happened that day
unknown to us the seed of lasting love was laid
and began in us as Romeo and Juliet was played.
When we returned home from that wonderful day
we met again in the clay pit in loves sweet way.
We walked and talked together as young lovers do
enjoying gazing at stars and looking for planets too.
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poem by Royston
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Linear time frames every persons day
as seconds pass in an unstoppable way.
Time moves on in a measurable amount
as we begin to age and each year we count
Time differs in aboriginal thinking
Yesterday, today and tomorrow linking.
Repeating themselves at the turn of each day
No months and years are to be found by this way.
In the beginning God said 'Let there be light'
and then the first moment of time ticked so bright.
As light shot forward matter and time was born
and then nights and days measured creations dawn.
As Light sped at its colossal speed through space.
Time began and now governs the human race.
Man's deeds are written in historic pages
showing the passage of time through the ages.
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poem by Royston
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We Were Very Young In Those Days
We were very young in those days
and refused to be set in our ways.
We both got on well from the outset
and were in our teens when we first met.
Love smote me as you caught my attention
and to go out with you was my intention.
Love took longer to have its way in you
but in time it worked in your heart too.
We worked very well with one another
a source of inspiration for each other.
Built up each others faith in the Lord
as we grew much closer together in God.
I saw a young couple in the park one day
flying a model plane in loves sweet way.
I was struck by the way they were declaring
their love to each other by this act of sharing.
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poem by Royston
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The Battle For The Eternal Destiny Of Mankind
I - The plan was agreed
Before the moments of time had begun
at the great council of the Triune One.
A plan was devised for the salvation of man
and was agreed upon before all life began.
A mighty battle on earth was going to take place
one to decide the destiny of the human race.
There was no hope, no place for man to flee
the wages of sin is death, was Gods decree.
II - God became a man
Then 'Here I am, ' You said, 'Send me.'
Willing, You were to hang upon the tree.
Willing to be contracted to a human span.
Willing to enter into the world of man.
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poem by Royston
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The Battle of Reading Rock
'Before you go, I'll have you know,
that the Lord has said to me
Psalm 91, is just the one,
so read it and you will see.'
'I don't know why', was my reply,
'But Sarah I'm sure you're right'
And off I went, to pitch my tent,
at Reading's Rock Festival site.
It was not clear, how apt and dear,
that Psalm was going to be
until that night, at the festival site,
when Dave was accompanying me.
For God was there, and by His care,
we depended upon His word.
We made our stand, in Satan's land,
and were protected by the Lord.
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poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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