Love for the sake of love...
Like a cleansing rain washing away all of life's indiscretions,
The child inside bathes me in a simple uncomplicated knowledge,
Rejuvinating my passion for the simple things in life,
That I may fianally see the wisdom that has stared me in the face,
Oh please let me be more than the sum of all my parts,
Lust, greed, vanity... Do not allow them to unmake me,
Allow me to see the beauty of life all around me,
Let me view with utter clarity the path of my future,
For the past is but a chain... And tomorrow is merely a dream,
As I meander through this life I plant the seeds of hope,
Inside all of the souls I touch and all of the one's I so love,
In the hope that their love shall bring forth a garden of unity,
On this journey through life we forge our own path,
Our own moral compass shall guide us through forever,
When my journey through this part of eternity has ended,
And you spare a moment to consider me, I hope...
You shall think of a soul who loved for the sake of love,
And a lover who died forgiven for all the times he failed...
Spread the love... The peace will follow...
poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Forever moment...
Let us share this precious moment in time,
Without fear of judgement, away from prying eyes,
Although I know there will be other times for us,
In this moment I crave you like nothing else in existance,
You stir the emotions within me like no other,
The intoxicating aroma of you is the drug I crave,
We embrace beneath the glow of a lunar smile,
My lips on your skin drinking in the very essence of you,
I submit to the entrapment of your sweet embrace,
Those captivating emerald eyes reveal to me your soul,
You are my warmth in a frozen barren loveless world,
No words needed, we think, we move and act as one,
We journey to a place where we become a beautiful whole,
Your thought's become mine, my emotions belong to you,
In this moment my own burning need is just as yours,
The need to hold you thoughout all eternity and never let go,
To feel the passion that burns within your soul set my heart aflame,
In order that we may be eternally consumed by loves embrace,
So I make a wish into the stars... That all infinity shall come to a halt...
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
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The Meaning Of Life
Long I have pondered the meaning of my existance
The answers I believe exist deep within a soul
It's in the beauty that lives around us every waking moment
It is lullaby's sweet melody calling us back to slumber
It's the spectacular sunrise of another beautiful day
The smell of fresh meadow flowers opening in mornings dew
It's the smile of a complete stranger as you pass on life's journey
It's the contented laughter of an infant at play
It's that touch of affection from someone held so dear
That look of complete and utter love in their eye's
It's the tears that flow freely from someone in pain
It's all the things we see in life that we think nothing of
The meaning of life is what we choose to make it
The time we take to absorb the very fabric of life around us
The effort we put into making someone's day a little brighter
But mostly it's the love we show when needed by those around us
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
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Lifes highway code...
We are each on our own great journey,
Along the highway of life we travel.
There are many paths that we can choose,
And we watch as our choices unravel.
We all reach crossroads on our journey,
But which way should we proceed?
The choices we make and direction we take,
Should equal our hearts deepest need.
With no signs or markings no clues or pointers,
To help us choose our track.
Once travelling that road the choice is made,
There's no point in looking back.
But more junctions and sliproads lay ahead for us,
Our choices are never an ending.
If we take a wrong turn we can correct our mistake,
A new choice is always pending.
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
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The ultimate sin...
Or soul is black when it doesn't sing true,
How many lies must be told before they become true?
Your soul only exists because god gave you one,
And he shall take it and mould it, tell you where you belong...
And if you wish to live a better and worthwhile life,
Then pray to god to take away all of your strife.
A life without god is deemed to be hell,
Looking at the world today, how can we tell?
Let me be, let me breathe, let me live, let me die,
Reveal who I am and please tell me why.
Am I only here because god gave me life?
Yet his cosmic plan seems filled with strife...
We are all the masters of our own true goal,
So we are all the god that rules our soul.
Some choose to be prick's in a troublesome way,
For good and evil live with us each day...
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Mission...
My mission in life is greater than anyone could possibly imagine,
My soul craves the perfection of those who have walked before me.
I stand tall and proud... My confidence radiating,
Honing my intelligence, so I may become the master of my own destiny.
A thousand times I have failed to get it right even once,
I have dreamed a thousand times of this beautiful reality.
I am the commander of my own fate, the master of my soul,
The footprints of my destiny leading me onward, I am in control.
I am not a common man, I am as extraordinary as I choose to be,
However, I live my life with humility, never shall I judge you.
My eternal challenge, to seek strength and compassion from within,
I am who I must be and I shall continue to grow despite lifes abrasions.
Like a jig-saw in motion you try to solve this Cosmic enigma,
My heart beats slowly so I may savour the very essence of my existance,
Understanding and grasping certainty is the challenge I have overcome,
My life's lesson to live not through others, only then may my true colours shine.
My mission in life is greater than anyone could possibly imagine,
With my head held high and my wings splayed... I offer love...
Spread the love... The peace will follow...
poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Beautiful plan...
We know not where we came from,
Or where on lifes voyage we go.
But one fact remains quite certain,
This world's full of joy and woe.
Another fact we must be aware of,
It's a truth that is oh so plain.
It's in our power each day and hour,
To add to the pleasure or pain.
Our life is such a brief journey,
We exist but a small time in space.
And while we remain it's our duty,
To brighten and better this place.
The trouble I think with us lately,
Is the lack of a need to be sweet.
We all have the power within us,
To make our adventure a treat.
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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A sublime beginning…
The night sky is illuminated by the stars,
I awake from my slumber to observe a sleeping world,
The past has faded into the mists of time,
Only the present holds any reality as I stare into the abyss,
As I look up at the wonders of a heavenly sky,
I begin to run with arms out stretched,
Faster and faster I feel the air caress my skin,
It rushes through my hair like a long lost enchantment,
Without any effort I have taken flight,
Time and space have lost all thought and meaning,
I have become one with nature as I make sweet love to the night,
This is laughter this is joy, such a sublime existence,
To gaze upon the beauty of this earth from such a height,
Never have I soared to such dizzying heights before,
Exhilaration fills every pore of my existence,
I look around me as I soar up to the heavens once more,
I realise that I am not alone in this night's sky,
I see that others have taken this flight of fancy,
As we dance across the night heading for euphoria,
I notice a shape emerge from the amidst the stars,
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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I Dream...
I dream of a better world, where we are all different shades of the same palette.
I dream of lifes disputes crumbling from our sight, never to be heard again.
I dream of blue skies and radiant flowers, as we stroll together through meadows of hope.
I dream of moonlit nights where the aroma of life permiates the air.
I dream of falling in love with the one who just takes my breath away.
I dream of angels dancing across the starry expanse of our horizon.
I dream of earthly achievements never imagined by men of limited vision.
I dream of peace, no longer the warring beast devouring my fellow man.
I dream of calmer seas that no longer rock the boat of man's tranquility.
I dream of you and I eternal, no more this lonely night of my existance.
I dream of walking on a golden beach with the one I love, hand in hand.
I dream of what might have been, what is now, and what has yet to be revealed.
I dream of no longer forsaking my sanity to the darkness of my emotions.
I dream of no more waking hours consumed by the unfulfilled promise of nirvana.
I am a dreamer, but without dreamers what would our world be?
As empty as a heart that knows not love, As dark as a night bereft of stars.
I feel therefore I must have feelings, I breathe therefore I must be alive.
I sleep therefore I am destined to be a dreamer, so I say dream on.
Let your dreams bring you to a place of everlasting serenity...
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Masterpiece
Within the passion of your kiss I feel your soft sweet lips,
I caress your skin so gently with my loving fingertips.
I hear your cries of mercy and it stirs my very soul,
Your body is soft putty, a masterpiece for me to mould.
Frantic grasping touches mixed with loving longing sounds,
Strokes of wanton desire wrapped in passion that surrounds.
Trembling with desire that flows through us feeding on our lust,
Content within our being, we embrace the one we trust.
Pressure from my hands as now I begin to play,
Tremours of desire rip right through us as we lay.
Your breath it is suspended as my tongue now travels far,
It gives such a sweet sensation and you shine now like a star.
We are lost within the moment as our bodies do compress,
An electrifying sensation, your skin pressing on my chest.
The wetness of your tongue feels the prescence of my heat,
Our bodies are on fire as the two of us do meet.
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poem by Cosmic Dreamer
Added by Poetry Lover
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