Sea And Sky
Sea - so fertile with life aplenty
Sky - so sterile with no life to replenish
Sea, oft turbulent with virulent waves
And sky, mostly tranquil with sailing clouds
Sky lets no bounds
Sea, bound within bounds
Sea hides mysteries beneath
And sky displays them atop.
But sea and sky together beget life on Earth.
poem by Valsa George
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Man And Woman
Man - delusive
Woman, elusive
He feigns what he is not.
She fails to see what she is.
While he holds some charisma,
She remains an enigma.
He is steered by the head.
She, powered by the heart
He stamps
She struts,
When over ridden by pride
He oft gallops on the mare
And she wades through the mire.
He stings if angered.
She stoops if cajoled.
He is a sickle,
When she is so fickle
But Man and Woman together build life.
poem by Valsa George
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Shattered Image
Moon - a bashful bride
From behind the veil
Peers down into the silvery mirror.
Narcissus like,
She gloats over her own fair face,
That for eons
Peeped in and out, tantalizing
Bards and beaus - alike.
But, Alas! Driven by envy,
As a mischievous brat scrawls over
His sibling's piece of painting,
The wind tickles the Deep
Shattering the luminous image
Into a dozen fragments
Flo ating.....floating all around.
poem by Valsa George
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The Journey
With the suddenness of a locomotive
that has come to an abrupt halt,
he fell motionless and in a coffin lay.
like -
All mystery sealed in a jar,
All agony compressed
in a tremulous whimper,
All charms shut in an amulet
the scent of burning incense,
frozen silence,
heaving hearts
silent prayers,
While the chariot wheeled him along
[...] Read more
poem by Valsa George
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Rinse Clean
Mind - a pool, deep and arcane,
Needs to be cleansed from time to time.
In the sinuous course of life,
Pause awhile, to peer into the depths.
Over the still waters, lies a layer of scum.
At the bottom is settled,
Toxic sediments of hate,
The residue of burnt dreams……..
Of unsavoury passions…..
If unattended, in this slushy mass of filth
Maggots may breed,
Eating into the flesh
Poisoning the vital serum
Pumped through the veins.
Purge the dross
Flush out the dirt
Rinse it clean
And feast on the sparkle,
Of clear waters
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poem by Valsa George
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Secure within the mother’s womb.
Sheltered from all storms of life.
The countdown begun-
A wide world awaiting,
Eager faces looking,
Windows opening,
Taste and Touch.
Expectations shattered,
Exasperation heightened,
[...] Read more
poem by Valsa George
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Alone in the Crowd
Amid the scurrying feet
In the whirling humanity
with divided aims
and sizzling brains
She paused with singularity of purpose
Never in a hurry, more at peace
On a park bench, alone
Bent and weird, she sat.
Ragged in dress, torn in body,
Face scourged by Time,
Its contours deep like ravines
Hair lying dishevelled,
Eyes shrouded in mist
Looking out into the sinking sun,
Never dreading the darkness that falls.
Determined to live on,
with the coins habitually dropped
into her stretched out hands
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poem by Valsa George
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On a Stormy Night
Out in the sea on a stormy night
With the wind sweeping in fury all around
The racing clouds veiling the moon from sight
Leaving the land for Darkness to surround
The soft sibilance of waves
Growing into a tumultuous roar
The rising tides touching heaven's seams
And the foamy surf breaking in wild uproar
No beacon to brighten up the gloom
Nor a brave soul around to seek for aid
Face to face with imminent doom
He struggled to wrench through dreads' ugly hold
On a Benign force, his faith strongly lain
With hope newly springing in his manly chest
Braving the tides and routing the pain
He pushed the oars and paddled to the coast.
poem by Valsa George
Added by Poetry Lover
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Be Wary
Men go crazy after wealth
It reaches some, unsought
It comes to some, unawares
But it eludes most, unbidden
Going after wealth
Is like trying to catch a bird
It involves great craft
Demands drill and discipline
Often it flies above our heads
Or it may perch on the height of trees
At times it swoops down to Earth
Or it may roost within its nest
Some catch it in a trap
Some hatch it in a nest
Some shoot it down to death
Those of brain and brawn,
chase it down to yield,
[...] Read more
poem by Valsa George
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The Great Motherboard
How the human brain
Like a mammoth mother board
Assimilates and stores up impressions
Some sad, some joyful
Some daunting, some frightful
Some difficult to decipher and decode
Heap on heap, they pile.
Through recollections, vague or vivid,
Dreams, words and thoughts,
One time or other, they reel back and forth
As on a computer screen
Some deleted forever, some etched deep
Some irrecoverably lost
Some able to be retrieved
Some mouldy, sending out a stale smell
Some spreading a fresh aroma
Delectable to the senses
Some filling us with a zest to live
Some making our eyes swell
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poem by Valsa George
Added by Poetry Lover
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