Time For Thanks and Giving
Big bouncy boobs
How I wish to fondle
Under her sweater
That would be the end all
I would give them
The attention they deserve
I would hold
Nothing in severve
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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2008: Prose vs Poetry and Found Prose Poetry
As Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancinet Mariner'
is not about the prevention of the cruelty of albatrosses,
Virgina Woolf's 'The Death of the Moth'
is not about lepidopterology.
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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Thank God You Don't Have To Be An Ophthalmologist To Write Poetry
It doesn't fall apart
just because
I don't know.
Yellow doesn't stop
being yellow just because
I'm not sure I know
anything about
why the eye sees
different colors.
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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Steroids Era and the Mitchell Report
American baseball fans
Did not want to know
How the sausage was being made
How the chicken was choked
How the pig was stuck or
How the lamb was slaughtered
They just wanted a tailgate party
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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Is It Only In California?
Is it only in California
That on November 24th
You need sunglasses and
Can wear shorts and a T-shirt
To scrape the frost off
Your car winshield like I did
This morning
Before I went to get coffee
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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02-22-10****It's Time To Empty The Nest
'So what's there
That's not right here?
What's this about
Maybe a cross-country trip?
Why not buckle down
Get a job right here?
What it it that you want
Out there? '
'Out there
Is not here.'
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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You Can't Hide It All
The hair can be dyed
Textured and cut
The face can be made up
The rest nipped and tucked
However worn dry slightly
Cracked heels of feet stricking
Out of the back of
Fashionable sling- back sandals
Do not lie
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sense of Smell
Doesn't matter
if you were hiding
from chores
back at the ranch
in the middle of the orchard
or years later
raking leaves and
the dead ones
from the single tree
in your backyard
after a rain
the smell of apples
is still the same
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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04 - 2009 - Drift, Drown, or Decide
Do I want
To fall in love again?
Do I want
To work for a living?
Do I like
To eat on a regular basis?
These are questions
Not asked
Not answered.
Just because
I don't know
Where this is going,
[...] Read more
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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Understanding Prison Signs
One long loud signal bell
Or several short sharp whistle blasts
Tell you to stay sitting if your are.
Standing, sit on the floor 'til
Your hear the signal that it's over.
The signs on the walls make it clear;
'Warning Shoits Will Not
Be Fired' in here.
poem by Tom J. Mariani
Added by Poetry Lover
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