Only 3 English Alphabets.!
All trees
I closely look;
My finding is this-
They all seem to know
Only 3 English alphabets! -
' I ', ' V ' and ' Y '!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Casanova!
The Wind strolls around;
Flirts with all Trees.
In intoxication
Trees look insane.
O Wind! Swear, you are
An infidel! a Casanova!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Winds.! .visit not for pet chats!
visit not for pet chats
with leaves-
In leaf class rooms
dew children are now
in intense meditation.!
Hm..disturb not-
No whispers too..!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Time In Meditative Mode
the time that runs helter-skelter
with blind-folded eyes in cities-
how does it camly crawl
in meditative mode in small villages?
-chandra kalaadhar.
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Past is strewn around..!
Past is strewn around
Like polythene sachets-
Discarded, dirty and indestructible!
Try to burn-
Obnoxious fumes of shame
Pollute the peace of mind!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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When You Are Touching Me Softly..
when you are touching me softly
with your closed eyes drenched in love
o my love, you are touching my soul
deeply inset in your heart!
-s.chandra kalaadhar
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Broken by Fractional Looks..!
Your fractional looks
Fractures my heart.
Your honeyed voice
Inflame my lust!
Your dove-like steps
Crush my reason!
O Best Ever Creation!
None but you
Can quench my thirst!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Downpour of Tears
An assemblage
Of Rain-bearing Clouds;
The chill Winds sow amidst
Mischievous whispers!
What next? -
Swishes of fiery slaps
And wars of words
And a downpour
Of sheets of tears!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hey.. My Lies! lies!
Where are your confluences
With my words?
Is it in the jungles of my mind?
Or in the caves of my throat?
Or at the oar of my tongue?
Or else on the mounds of my lips?
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Why Scars So Many, Coconut Tree?
Why scars so many
all over the trunk
of coconut tree?
O..those are the parting kisses
buried deep on its bosom
by its children hugging close
when death pulls them apart
with its browny grasp!
poem by Sundaram Chandrakalaadhar
Added by Poetry Lover
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