The Night And Me And The Pain
Tonight the sky was raining pain
Tonight I saw your face once again
Tonight we were dancing under the rain
Tonight we were lovers once again
Tonight the sky and me and the rain
Were friends
I told them about my pain
Tonight the sky and me and the rain
We all cried under the rain
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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Do Not Run Away
When you meet the love
On the roads of life
When you are alone
Love emotions however
Are tired and destroyed
Don't run away so far
Keep the love around
Indestructible is the love, You will find out the lncredible fact
The thing that destroyed your heart
Is the same thing that can revive it back.
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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Don't hung on to regrets.
Days follow up days
Just a Breath away ends up a day
Life is too short to be the prisoner of your complains
Sufferings are the creators of the aches
Life is still here, won't you see?
Just keep your faith near
Positively taken every step will be chased up by angels grace.
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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One More Time Again
You and me my love
Somehow, somewhere
I don't know how
I'm not sure when
But I can feel that'll
Will meet once again
Maybe in another life
We will meet once
Strangers or lovers
No matter however
or where
Once again my love
I know that ill meet
Those alluring eyes
Just one more time
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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Just Keep Smile
Just Keep smile
and you'll find out how
Those bad thoughts
Will run away and cry
You don't have to worry
When the things lost their glory
Just hold on to sweet memory
Till the end of bad story
Your dreams are your's
And the choice is your's
To hold on to strength of your faith
Or the expect the worse
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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And you'll cry
Come and ask me what is love
How it hurts
What it does
Come and look look at me
To see your art, may you'll cry
How much hurt I've got
After the day that you've gone
Come and ask me if I'm still alive or with you the soul within chased your love
Since the day that you've gone
I'm not alive not even dead!
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sorry Love
Oh, i'm sorry love
It's the time to run
I can't trust you and hold your hands again
I can't be there to livethe same pain one more time again
So I have to run away one more time again
Do not come my way
My tears are still tired
MY wounds are bleeding fire
And i'm worshiping the loneLiness thousands of times a day
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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To Be In Love
To be in love
To love a self
When it is not yourself
More then yourself
While the glances meet
To paradise fily
Two hearts
And the paradise becomes their house
The touch of the hands
Make two souls jump trambling in flames of love Burning every while and while
Tousands times and times
Of, Love!
What power you have!
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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?? ????
يا بلدي
أنت داري
هنا مرفأ كل ذكرياتي
هنا لفظت أول حروفي
هنا تررعت داخلي حب الوطني
هنا جدتي كانت تروني لي حكايات أجدادي
هنا سوريا أرضي و بلدي
الأم التي علمتني أنبل و أروع المعاني..
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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May You Stop The War
You may stop destroying our lives
For what all thus fights
Even the stars on the sky deserted our nights
The sun above is crying sad
Wouldst you fear the God
Step back and look around
You may can see the bloody tears of mothers hearts
The cry of the innocence children's amongst fears
Would you fear the God for a while
poem by Sossi Khachadourian
Added by Poetry Lover
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