A Split Second!
When my unbidden years pass you for a split second, pause,
Like a column of stars rushing past the evening star, cause,
In the haze of their ageless vigil, you, to seem more distant.
Heart's seen you many a times, calls, love-lit lamps tolerant,
Patience stops time. Heart believes, mind more familiar with absence,
Wary- prevails. The flora must recognize, on the bee, her fragrance,
Making its way in mischievous things, though it floats in the wind,
Head held high must learn to lay its sword, stoop, hug & bend.
To the night it's losing of a few dew drops, but to me; sacrifice,
At the altar of pride. First glance, a blow of pain, a roll of dice,
A second is needed to show your face, in the candle that keeps vigil.
Both looked in sad disbelief, one spoke: 'Return a bit of our love,
That keeps the heart still, and counts not, but bows to its captor,
Steadies; for the winnin'of apathy or grasp of his hand in its failure.
7th June-2012
poem by Seema joglekar
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Hide 'N' Seek
Between the moon‘n'cloud, the hedge‘n'flower, the lightning‘n' thunder,
Each playing on the other's fervor, suffering's a virtue they honor,
Bound together, confident of the other, in thrill of a boundless chase,
In the rhythm of touch ‘n' go, with a limitless thirst for an embrace,
Happy -destined to be a plaything, return for assurance, yet stall,
But mortal we remain. To love that well, break the spell, let fall,
A sign, or the year's disguises-glimpses, shall stand in between & rout
In the dust of meetings ‘n' partings, we corrode away in doubt,
Like a stricken deer, pursuer out of sight, loses purpose in its gait,
Why must one hide and the other always seek, settle for a toss of fate?
Play not with my heart, it may not shatter or break,
Lose me not to habit, it may simply lose the power to ache
Miracles they can believe in, under his celestial sky, we make it a little easier.
To them, time says it's merciful, I still vouch—''No! You Are''.
poem by Seema joglekar
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The Crystal Ball
Pieces picked to blend into a crystal sphere,
Each roll in the dirt adding to its luster,
To catch yesterday’s smile or a passing joy,
Crumbs to keep the soul alive.
With every scrub of the passing day,
To view in each the life that could be,
Like a coin wedged in the floor crack,
To whose value none would agree.
Dark omens screened by its glow, find no way out,
What if omens and astral appearances commune,
Watch with intent for each turn of fortune,
A cloud shall not block the moon.
Old love wells up again
In the abyss of absence
In qualmy waters gains the mystic eye,
Where visions toss and dropp in dead silence
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poem by Seema joglekar
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What have I given you in return for your persistence? More earnest
Than the forest fire, burns everything standing in its path to dust.
Whimpers like moany winter wind? While you enjoyed no such leisure.
Constant like the cuckoo's song; woos entire woodland, for an answer
all the length of spring. Ungrateful I'm not! Such largesse deserves
to be returned in kind.Let me pour into your cup life from my reserves
to throb with the pulse of things. Serenity from the reddening dawn's greetings,
soothing balms with the spell of night for the countless meetings & partings
day endures, faith of psalms from the choir of birds singing God bestows on all,
resolve to fight in the burst of the sleeping seed, qualms of delight from frail
first blooms for the freedom of life, ambition of the green mantle's look upward,
a dropp of heaven dreaming on a blade of grass.Treasures these years bestowed.
Hence all I can afford are my wished for years., my heaven -sent gems,
These I give.For I wish you to be known by them.
poem by Seema joglekar
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My only theme -5 years or more brought,
But I care not: the bards had more choice.
Fiends that conspired to lodge a wedge,
Time, fate, pedigree -in heydays did rejoice.
Was it our playful recklessness that sent the invite?
Well! Words not yet stale, zest, time deign not dull,
Passions, still aglow, enough to draw spite
Breaths so short; marring measure fight.
Surging let the tsunami seas devour, or globe warm to the core,
Pollute the opulent seas, spade the earth, draw the hopeless future to its knees,
I shall not cross his play with destinies or a heedful word utter,
Provided, he sends you in my path, like in a star’s dwindling sight, blazes a glowing meteor.
No longer to live a life in respite; but in glare of full sunlight,
Lest you not recognize me in my grab of grime and dirt,
Must I wait for some secret sense to point you out?
Or will a familiar hand grab me for life and remove the doubt.
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poem by Seema joglekar
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Spare me the last sip!
May your cup brim, not with old memories, but ties renewed
Across the impending miles, heart pledged, soul yielded, sparkle
With dew over the spray's edge, when blossoms their satin's spread
With visions to realize in the present. Its glass, hold secrets of the stars
Beaming ascent, -out a maze, a heaven in their gaze. Its foam's kiss
Tinkling, sound, the flap of fairies' wings, at the dropp of eyelids, after a wish.
Its milky vapors thaw every pain, like the moon an amulet that holds the heart
In restrain. Their lusters return, warmth to your eyes, promising as two butterflies
Waltzing in a steadfast beam, to reveal a smile like the glee of the first stars
To grace the dusky skies, causing an old pang to resurface on the sidewalk
Of spring. Then raise it to love that rewards the wait, well-earned joy,
For which eager hands ache, your presence stir, the everlasting keepsake.
And drink to our share of ardent love and life. Done, spare me the last sip,
To still contain, faith to regain, left behind after a drink and a sigh.
26 September2012
poem by Seema joglekar
Added by Poetry Lover
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O! Master
Like in a bird, on an island remote,
Is trapped, the wizards powers, his toll.
Two beings, two different worlds,
My life in a different soul,
Sought more persistent than-over the rocks,
How pounding, the cajoling waves extoll.
If the woods should go bare & birds forsake,
If the fiercest tempest should break,
If the blue sky & soft breeze should retreat,
Or the earth go all damp under my feet,
In wrath, let the heavens keep up their charade,
Yet, I shall rush to keep a promise made.
Nature's vile decree,
the affinity between the flower and the bee,
One to yearn, the other to seek,
To span the distance between the moon and the sea.
Nature's sad satire,
In all girths and measures to conspire,
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poem by Seema joglekar
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Higher Ground! ! !
After the fit of mango showers,
Hill & dale fume in cold sweat,
Lifting aromas off the ground,
Sun hurls a beehive at every head.
While he petitions- wet buds,
To stock up their syrups,
And nubile mango leaves to deeper reds.
Every closing flower shelters,
A pearl dropp on her bed.
Admitting rays one at a time,
Roving clouds open like a turnstile,
Sweet misery, deciding to be,
In light or shade; takes a while.
Over all this the cuckoo drowns,
Wails that to the slums belong,
The cursing in the streets,
Catch the fierce mood of his song.
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poem by Seema joglekar
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My Time Shall Soon March!
Moments stampede like fleeting dew drops, now here &then gone,
Languid hours stagger to stack like a pile of wilting flowers,
Days linger in their worthlessness like a faltering smile,
Jingle of my bangles hides not the restlessness,
For that forbearing look you give, when you raise your eyes to mine,
I shall wait in the shadows to unravel the secrets of your heart,
Knowing my time is soon to come.
What would the idlers know how you save me by hard refusals,
Like a Jasmine tree that does not waste its fragrance in early flowers,
How day by day you make me worthy of the simple,
To pleasure in the solace of the east wind or to lose myself in the koel’s song,
To muse on the flight of the cranes or the patterns skies draw in patience
Great gifts you gave to me unasked--
Making me worthy of your full acceptance, by refusing me
Saving me from perils of weak uncertain desires
To realize my time is soon to come.
Knowing not our time is yet to come,
I raged like a river in loosened braids
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poem by Seema joglekar
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[*Song of thanksgiving to Apollo]
What proof do I bring of my love:
Stand up for you like the mountain, weary and wise,
Like a river wearing its sorrow, weep in a streaking disguise,
Or like the raging oceans with its breaking high waves lay my claim,
Or soaring atop these, as my sun moon and star call your name.
Cross the seven seas to hold your hand,
Steal a siren song, to unleash the fever of the mind,
Blaze a dream that drank the meteor light,
Realign the zodiac, for our paths to reunite.
Command my muse to capture the beauty of the starlight in a feeling,
Seize my heart that has taken to hover on an untamed wing.
Sketch a familiar face in every contour of the moon,
Believing in the tale of rainbows & their pot of gold -swoon.
Call upon the stars with whom I played the counting losing game,
Who now give me their unreserved empathy in shame.
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poem by Seema joglekar
Added by Poetry Lover
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