Always Needed
True love is not complete ever till it has love in it. The ingredient which makes it true and everlasting is the word, love. If love is not present then true nothing can be. Basic freedom to love and express is always needed. Only then anything can ever last.
poem by Rohit Sapra
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What is on my mind remains unknown. My thoughts are lost to the extent in which everything appears so darkening that I cannot find my way out of this tiring life. Wish, my wish is that I could just vanish forever into dark skies. Completely gone into darkness.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sad Love
If you really are gone and if you ever loved me even a single bit then please for one last time, say I love you to me by taking my name with the same love, which you had for me earlier, one last time and then you can forever leave, if you never really loved me.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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Painful Silence
Silence is the biggest punishment which two lovers can give to each other. Trust me I have loved you so much. What else can I say to you? I honestly do not know what else should I say? Silence is terrible and it hurts so much to feel your silence. Painful it is.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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This Universe
This universe is full of weird souls
To call someone as crazy is really easy to do
If you will hate me, I will hate you
Although, if you will love me, then I will love you as well
It is simple, really simple
Since, nobody can dictate the way I will live my life.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Existence
Love is eternal but does anyone know the meaning of eternal? I question my existence since life says I should die right now. However, even death is not so simple to receive as everything is not based on our choices. Who makes the selection for our life is rather unknown.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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I will die alone, without you I have turned to be. Nothing seems perfect and now I am breaking again. Just give me a chance to live this life. Please god bring someone into my life who will forever take care of me. Save me god because without true love I am just finished.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Nice Girl
For a nice girl I will do anything
Always, I will care for her
With my love and with my honesty I will care
Love, I will give
Hug, I will
Hold, I will
Kiss I will
Cherish her forever with my obsessive love I will
Yes, I am obsessive, very obsessive
Only me and her, it will be.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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With You
I love you so much and you did not do a mistake in thinking that you are my love. I want you so that we could live happily. Your tears I will wipe and give you a sweet kiss on your cheeks, as well on your lips. Make love with you I will and take care of you, until I will be alive.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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I feel pain
I feel tears
The sorrow I feel as well
Nobody cares for me
Everyone, only shows hate
This hate I dislike
Only pain, I can relate to
No feelings of joy, I experience anymore
Since your departure, I am empty
So empty, that you cannot even imagine
This is truth, my truth.
poem by Rohit Sapra
Added by Poetry Lover
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