Food is My Friend
Food is my friend,
I eat it everyday.
When I'm all done,
I throw the trash away!
Food is really good;
I like chicken and pizza and fries.
I think that without it,
I just would not survive!
Food can be gross, too;
It stinks when it's gone bad.
But when it doesn't stink,
It actually tastes rad!
Food is the best;
I'm sad when it ends.
But all in all,
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poem by Rebecca Ryan
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At Least I'm Talkin' to You vs.2 and chorus
All of my friends disagree with me.
Yeah, we don't think the same way. (Well, sometimes, we don't.)
It may sound crazy, and hard to believe,
but this thought of mine is gonna stay.
It's hard to talk to people these days.
Maybe because I'm so shy,
but baby, with you, I laugh so hard,
I just cry.
Now, let me tell you somethin' else,
and honey, it's true.
I can't talk to anyone,
but at least I'm talkin' to you. (end chorus)
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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What Love is
When you love someone,
It is hard to explain.
Sometimes it shines like the sun,
Other times, it includes pain.
Loving someone could cause heartbreak,
But it could also be good in ways.
You will do what it would take
To be with them, always.
He would send her flowers,
And she would read the note
That he wrote with love's powers,
And on him, she would dote.
Love is truly a magnificent thing.
It makes the world happy and hearts sing.
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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Finn's Favorite Fish (Long Tongue Twister)
Finn's favorite fish's favorite food fell flat.
Finn's favorite fish's favorite food falls for fluid.
Finn's favorite fish's favorite food fed Finn's favorite fish.
Finn's favorite fish falls for Finn's favorite fish's favorite food.
Finn's favorite fish's favorite food falls for Finn's favorite fish.
Finn's favorite fish's favorite food fills Finn's favorite fish.
Finn fishes for Finn's favorite fish's favorite fish food for Finn's favorite fish!
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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I Am Always Late For School (Not Really)
I am always late for school;
The reason why is obvious.
I am always in the pool,
So much, it is obnoxious.
When I don't get there on time,
The teachers there get mad.
But if I could read and rhyme,
Surely they'd be glad.
I don't know why I do this,
But I don't think it's a crime
To be late again and again,
And again from time to time.
I am always late for school,
It drives the teachers crazy.
They tell me not to be a fool,
But I'm not, I'm just lazy!
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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A Michael Jackson Tribute
The King of Pop
Is no longer with us
I wonder how everyone feels
His fans are sad
And his relatives
He slipped away like a banana peel
'Why did this have to happen? '
Is the question and the answer is
'For everything happens for a reason.'
You think, you ponder
You swish it around in your head
And it goes on without ceasing
Without Michael
We will somehow manage
For it isn't the end of the world.
His music, his dance
Will stay within us
And, as well, his soul.
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poem by Rebecca Ryan
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Cut the Puzzle Out
Sometimes when you break up with your friend,
you make a mistake, you have a very bad situation.
Well, cut the puzzle out,
put it together,
that means to make a new friend,
or get along better.
It also means that when you have a friend,
you should help them out, that's how this song goes.
Now, when you have a friend, you should help them out,
help, help, help your friends.
Ooh, yeah!
You should help them out, help them out, help them out,
help them, help them, help them out.
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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Trust in Me-Selena Gomez
Trust in me, just in me.
Close your eyes and trust in me.
You can sleep safe and sound,
Knowing I am around.
Slip into silent slumber,
Sail on a silver mist.
Slowly and surely your senses
Will cease to resist.
Trust in me, just in me,
Close your eyes and trust in me.
Trust in me, just in me,
Close your eyes and trust in me.
Slip into silent slumber,
Sail on a silver mist.
Slowly and surely your senses
Will cease to resist.
[...] Read more
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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Lord, I Lift Your Name on High - Hillsong
Lord, I lift Your name on high,
Lord, I love to sing Your praises.
I'm so glad Your in my life,
I'm so glad You came to save us.
You came from heaven to earth,
To show the way,
From the earth to the cross,
My debt to pay,
From the cross to the grave,
From the grave to the sky;
Lord, I lift Your name on high.
Lord, I lift Your name on high,
Lord, I love to sing Your praises.
I'm so glad You're in life,
I'm so glad You came to save us.
[...] Read more
poem by Rebecca Ryan
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At Least I'm Talkin' to You vs.3 and chorus 2
Now, I feel stupid; I don't know why,
Probably because I messed up. (Big time.)
I wasn't thinkin' right, but now, I'm fine.
So I'm gonna go fix things and get me a 7up.
(chorus 2)
Everyone is so easy to talk to these days.
Maybe because I'm not shy.
And, baby, with you, I laugh so hard,
I just cry.
Well, let me tell you somethin' else,
and honey, it's true.
I'm talkin' to people now, but
not as much as I'm talkin' to you.
So, at least I'm talkin' to you.
Yeah, at least I'm-talkin'-to you-!
poem by Rebecca Ryan
Added by Poetry Lover
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