Empire of Man
Each man alone an empire stands
takes wisdom written in the sands
builds up a castle or digs down a hole
discovers his own insuperable role
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Purpose of Love
Why plan the twists of love's fair game
or hold the field in battle's pain,
except to, at the end of day,
pick up your dead and walk away?
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Ease of Death
Consider the empty black ease of death
so much more peaceful than the meth
and without the shades of gray between
simple, dark shadows, invisible, unseen
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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Anything but this feeling
the heart holding out for happiness
I'd rather let the cold come
and carry me away
than ponder on these things
which make me frail
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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Yin and Yang and Me
There is no darkness without light,
no light without darkness.
No good without bad or bad without good.
No angels without demons
and no tragedy without comedy.
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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Who Knows?
What if you forgot everything you did not know?
How much would you have on your mind?
The knowledge of all that is wondered,
is poorer than that which is mined.
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Demons
When the demons come out of their cracks and crevices
between the broken shards of your life
Expose them on the pages of a daily journal
and watch how they run from the light
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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We are the poignant prophecy of fate
a chance to vote on how the universe will grow
living day to day we fail to see the picture
and walk across its face like sticky fingerprints
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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This place is not a happy home for voices.
This place is where a voice goes when it's lost.
When compelling, any argument will dictate,
that its user pays the other side in cost.
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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Cookoo Clock
He lives each day
one hour at a time
listening to the old
and rusty gears
inside his cookoo clock
where the thoughts spin
until midnight's stroke
then calls twelve times
in his dreams.
poem by Poet Dragon
Added by Poetry Lover
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