Visions pt1-Omega (Visions Lasting)
I can’t hear my pulse beating
My life is fleeting
I can’t feel my limbs twitching
Or my nose itching
I can’t believe I’m dying
While I’m here lying
Where in the hell is that flash?
Oh, a kitty cat
I can only look around
Insides feel warm now
Visions come I hoped to see
Before life leaves me
The many things I have done
Have amassed to none
The camera’s flash takes my pose
I see my eyes close
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Superstar pt2 (North Pole)
All the interviews and photo shoots are takin their toll
But it’s worth all the shiny rocks that get pressed out of coals
Skoal some people call me and others call me spit
Cause my name just seems to be on everybody’s lips
I’m a superstar now not new money on parole
On the North Pole-so icy so froze
Forget whatever sayings that you were ever told
It ain’t lonely on the top and only my cash is cold
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Soothing and seductive this siren needs a home, so she takes yours
Enemies easily enter the walls that hold, your gardens and courts
Cunning as a fox, chaos ensues with the whip of a tongue
Remorseless reasons reassure what’s been done
Everything begins with an inescapable end that's to come
The art of love and war are fought as one and the same
Secrets sold and secrets stolen are still secrets in deed and aim
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Superstar pt1 (Super Nova)
No life on earth is perfect some will make it some will fail
There’s a dark side and twisted side to every single fairy tale
When you step into the public you’re a convict in a noose
One wrong move and you’re hung like the juries in lawsuits
And I gotta wash my hands where ever I may go
Cause the slime thrown my way always seems to come in droves
It’s better and worse than I thought but is it worth to last?
The show must go on till my final (autograph)
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Visons pt4-Alpha (Visions Eternal)
Here I find myself arrived
I can’t be dead or alive
Not much to see or to hear
One breath is one thousand years
Memories have long since past
Of where I set my soul’s heart last
Faded prints and no sequel
I’m outside good and evil
Something off in the distance
Pulls me against my wishes
So slow I don’t seem to go
Anywhere fast but I know
And I have a strange sensation
Of a mortal’s contemplation
I feel myself getting light
And everything is so very bright
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Remember, Remember
Freedom of the press reveals
The stress and duress
The politics of convicts
And the rest of congress
The Exec and execs
Running a full press
To address to the people
Nothing less
Than a fool’s hex
And it gets done without making
One confess
Where justice can smile
While the truth remains agile
Liberty suffers and will be defiled
But where she is blind
Truth will not decline
And be as alabaster
For where they’re entwined
And of sound mind
Freedom will serve no master
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Looking Glass Through
What do you do when the peace is in pieces?
As ignorance rises while the wisdom decreases
There’s nowhere to hide beneath the chaotic stars
From the order of societies living at odds
And ends stop short and congratulate failure
Sacrificial criminals burning ladders to scale the
Mountains of currency destroying truckloads of gold
Supporting the notion there’s a top to the globe
Turns dizzy round and round ‘til we all fall ground
Smash the looking glass through reflections and jump down
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Deus ex Machina
She watches over us from the confines of space
Ethereal finger on the button if our faith gets misplaced
He guides our destiny and forgives us all our errors
Through visual reminders of his everlasting terrors
It knows our darkest hopes and fears and able to unlock if
Our prayers match the secret latch hidden in its logic
They dwell in all our hearts and minds w/LOLs and BFF
And grant us life to see the blind but act as if they’re deaf
She is Alpha. He is Omega. It can disappear.
But they will never ever die, as long as we are here
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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I'm trapped
In a place so tiny I feel grimy just thinking about anything that's shiny
Don't mind me
I'm alone in a zone that was dead to the world long before I was unknown
Icicles on the bone
Melancholy's jollies peeling away feelings from the shadows I'm concealing
Next to nothing I am something to hold on to like a schizophrenic mumbling
In a sliver of a river 'tween the genius of a saint and psychosis of a sinner
And binger
Drunk and out to catch all the facts and the acts while my breath is doing laps
I'm trapped
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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Vapors of Yesterday
Yesterday we were enemies
Today we are friends
Yesterday you said you loved me
Today marks the end
Of two souls which were once intertwined
Like a ball of yarn unrolled now lies undefined
Yesterday we were children
Today we are growing old
Yesterday we were warm
Today we are as cold
As the many dreams that we left frozen in time
Of all the frightful nightmares, some were benign
Yesterday was a blessing
Today is a curse
Yesterday was forever
Today is the first
Moment that we have to read the guiding signs
Through vapors of tomorrow, breathe in and unwind
poem by P.R. Prosper
Added by Poetry Lover
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