When Young
I laugh with my friends till sunset
Over our heads the wicked clouds assemble
“You are still here? ” many asked
I am the youngest among my friends
By whistles and gestures we call them
And by smiles they do pass us by
We tease ourselves and together all laugh
Before the rain the wind came
Let the waters beat me, I do not care!
For my good friends I will not leave
And the speech that makes glad my heart I shall not cease
poem by Nicholas Boateng
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New Love
No matter how many times experienced
The feeling is so exhilarating
That of a newly gotten love
My muscles burst with strength
Unlimited I've become, and what can't I do?
Oh dear! It feels like a dream
I do not need anyone to tell
I know, for in love fallen with her
Tomorrow the land rejoices
And I with Harriet would dine
She is one from the land of great riches
The purest of treasures; from a heart's mine
I love you so much honey
poem by Nicholas Boateng
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Its cold
And i can feel it
Polar bears search for mates
And so men in these moments for dates
The air is all white
I can see the breathes of life
Sounds on my roofs by darts of rainss
Drizzles and breeze in loving times
Oh dear, so lonely she is
The hearth not hot enough
And oceans of embers same
Kitty her by her
And scooby with
Yet not seeing is him seen
"Wish you were here with me"
To hold me
And send me to bed
[...] Read more
poem by Nicholas Boateng
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Where is she that said she loved me?
And he that promised great undying affection?
Where are they that whispered care into my soul?
And the hope that never was to die?
Am I changed before them? !
That I am no more known? !
The smile never to show again
And the touch as of the farthest planet
I tell you what my brethren
It is much worth to trust in the Lord
Than in the richest of kings
For in Him alone I find joy and refuge like no other
poem by Nicholas Boateng
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Who Am I?
My own name I do not know
Where I came from and hither I go
I do not know
How I look, I do not know
My own reflection deceives me
I am so afraid, who am I?
I took upon my self a name
A name of great revelation, never to fail
I took upon my self a date
A date of total perfection, bliss eternal
My year I cannot number, none to believe
Sometimes, I am too beautiful
Yet many a time, ugly
And sometimes I am too delighted
Yet a while, I be
Who am I?
poem by Nicholas Boateng
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First love
I miss the times of love
When I would beat the tables with my bare hands
She would dance so beautifully
When together we would sing a song in Ga
We believed we could fly
Even without wings we touched the stars
She would hold my hands and say my name
And smile at me with love in her eyes
I knew in that very moment
I would never fall in love again
My heart another would never have
And so would she, I heard her say in my dreams
Never again, and never another.
poem by Nicholas Boateng
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What if?
A question to which no answer could be found
What if?
Someone to give an answer in fervent sought
What if she ask herself
What if all precious moments in waste
And every sweet word spoken in vain
What if?
Loved never to be
And chosen yet was another
What if she found him not handsome?
And in seeing, is another seen
What if?
He never looks into my eyes?
And never speaks the words of love
What if my lips never kissed?
And never more than an innocent virgin felt.
poem by Nicholas Boateng
Added by Poetry Lover
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Darkness no victor
The sun disappears
The day fades
Darkness spread its winds
To take the earth captive
Ha! He scorns at the day
Where is thy strength? He asks
The whole earth begins to groan
Their hope seemed to be lost
Taken in bondage by the dark
But there, up from the heavens
They hear so great a voice
A voice of rejoicing and shouting
As in the day of victory in the battle field
They lifted up their eyes and stared stunned
The heavens were filled
With so great a number of tiny lights
poem by Nicholas Boateng
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lil' Blissy (I See You)
‘'Little boy! '' she calls
Or by that I should not call you?
Visit me you should
And now command!
Ha! You would've still been here
Had it been a trumpet's call
Love, I see in those eyes
But love, she denies
Words uttered
Words shelled in sweet hives
And in my eyes life
In her faster runs
I see you my beloved
Here in my heart and everywhere
And even from a day's journey away
I see you also my love
Should all maidens be clad in black
And the suns cease its burn
[...] Read more
poem by Nicholas Boateng
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Old Hills Of The Great Lagoon
A walk on the high wall around the orchard
The fat man ever on our trail
Fear of being caught
But the fulfillment of every adventure took us back
In amazement the high school lasses watched
When shall we grow and be with such beauties?
Our youth we would not trade
In growth and maturity we all departed
And the land of joy so changed before our eyes
I miss the old hills of the great lagoon
Yet I cannot go back
Take me back to the days, to age thirteen
And to my friends among whom I was loved
poem by Nicholas Boateng
Added by Poetry Lover
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