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Mrs. Cynosure

Friendship And Love

Friendship is love
Love is friendship
Have one when you don’t have the other
Love depends so greatly
On friendship
Without friendship
Love could not exist

Friendship is within love
Love is within friendship
They can’t live
Cant breath
Without each one another
Can’t be
Truly there without each other

They don’t fight the war

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The Angel's

the sun shines on the angels as the day comes light
the moon shines in the darkness as they await
of them all she has never been in the shadows
for witch the light shall only show her existence
she is the most magnificent of them all
the perfect gift from god, shall there be no match
they all come to her every beckoning call
even when she dose not intend them to they do
they please her every need not because they have to
because they want to, feel the need to

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Still Young

A wrinkled man
Writing of his love that he longs to hold
Remembers he is still young

A women walking with a cane
To help her a long her retired ways
Remembers she is still young

The child holding on dearly
To his mother thinks
He is old

Why we believe that age really matters
Age is just a number
Youth is not a time of life it is a
State of mind

The oldest of men and the youngest of girls are all young
Just in different ways we might
Not know it yet

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The Devil

the devil once told me
that I have her in me

she constructed
a life of shame and pain to others
though out this life
she made many die

she wore a mask of torture
a mask that would make people bend to her will
even make them feel sorry for her

she had rotted inside
destroyed forever
black hearted as you could say
thou she felt no mercy or hardship for others
the me that wants to devote my life to helping others
and yet I have the devil inside of me

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The Computer

it’s my addiction
im not addicted to the computer it self
but what it stands for
what it means to me
a connection
to people who talk to me
who understand me

a link
to the guy who looked twice
who is my friend
didn’t care how fat and ugly i was
he cared about the big loving and caring heart i have
who stole that heart away
who holds that in his hand
he could crush it at any moment
but yet he chooses to
continue in building our relationship until it’s unbreakable

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The Color Purple

The sun has risen bringing the end of
the dark kiss
while painting blood red across the sky

the wheat fields sway in the wind
the bees are landing on the yellow daisies
puppies are tromping around
playing hide and seek
two lovers holding on to each other
love pulsing within his blue eyes
echoing into his body then into hers
her pink lips touch his
and the orange flames of passion flare higher

in all of this my thought is
has nature for got about
the color purple

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Ridding Bearback

Looping of horses feet clicking on soft dirt
feels my ears and echo's into my soul
my heart beats faster and faster
as the wind is softly blowing my hair
his huge muscles are working under my body
to show me just how magnificent he really is
gripping on to his soft main
feeling his skin rubbing on the back of my lags is as if I'm touching silk
off we go
with me floating in the wind
such a smooth gated animal
what a find to find at
the end of the world under a magical waterfall

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Your Name

Its the thing that makes the frown,
Turn upside down.

Its the thing that I could say,
Over and over again,
And the sound still be so sweet,

The words that make,
My eyelashes flicker, and my heat beat faster,
Awe... everything is O.K.

Yes your mmm name...
The one I will never tell PH.

So I wrote your name with smoke,
But the wind just blew it away.

Then I wrote your name,
With charcoal on a rock,
But the ocean washed it away.

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Not Him

I want you to be mine
not his
I want you to love me
not him
I want you to talk about me all day long
not him
I want you to see no flaw in me
not him
I want you to kiss me
not him
I want you to make love to me
not him
I want you to want me like I do you
not him
I want you to tell me everything first
not him
I want you to have anything in the world
even if it means taking my own life
as long as it makes you happy
for a hour, a minute, a second

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The Game Of Life

I play this game every day
I don’t need smarts or wisdom
I can be rich or poor
I can be a queen or a homeless
I can live in a castle or live on the streets
it’s all of my choosing

I hop from rock to rock
afraid of drowning
I can come across
bumpy rocks that are hard to cross
smooth rocks that I walk across

I could give up when a hard to climb rock comes along
I could fight until I get to the top
I could create my own person as I grow
let someone do it for me

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