Because I Love Him So Very Much
Rapid movement, rapid ascent-
In proximity, toward our adorement
And its reality, from aspiration-
THIS is due Heavenly Father's Dedication
To His Most Beloved, His Most Highly-Prized
And Faithful, amongst all on Earth; He realized
That, long, long ago of course-now the world sees
The proverbial 'forest for the trees':
NOW, He needed to use His Very Own Hand,
To ensure all is, as He would Command!
Many-both far afield and nigh-
See this all unfold-I am left to ask: 'Why
Father-why me-I am nt deserving of such? '
His succinct reply: 'Because you love Me so very much! '
poem by Maurice Harris
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Patience-for your thoughts to comport
With that felt in my heart, its exhort!
For forbearance, He shall grant reward:
The one that I have always truly adored!
Perhaps I have waited my life entire,
For the love my mirth doth require!
Perchance, my love has come again-
To allow my felicity to finally reign!
Resistance to this gift, I shall not proffer-
My fragile heart, I shall not coffer!
Defiance, merely a lesson in futility,
I am simply without this ability!
Whence prime, here I await thee-
Our hearts foretell their own glory!
Maurice Harris,5 September 2009
poem by Maurice Harris
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Life's Guiding Light
Should I not come back, please know
I did not leave you, alas, I had to go-
For it is not mine own free choice:
Without contrition, truth is my voice!
I am with you still, you need only aspire,
You are with me yet, naught could expire;
Time and distance separate us ne'er-
I shall never leave you, this I swear!
I shall be the beauty you partake,
In your dreams, whilst you're awake;
I may take for you any form:
A soothing thought, keeping you warm,
Future's assurance, each day more bright,
Perchance, even your life's guiding light!
Maurice Harris,27 September 2009
poem by Maurice Harris
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The Heart, Given
If you have not given your heart,
There is no one who may break it;
If you do not allow its depart,
You ensure no one may take it!
Yet, if this is your true posit, firm
You will ne'er see your heart's glory;
Only will your stance then wholly affirm
The path that is inherent in your story!
You will surely fulfill your own prophesy,
Though should you want for your due felicity
You must do yourself this one courtesy-
Love someone, brilliant in its simplicity!
Alloweth yourself to be loved as well-
Your happiness, this only, shall foretell!
Maurice Harris,21 October 2009
poem by Maurice Harris
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A Gathering Of Two Spirits
With nary a moment's hesitation,
You proffered the gift of your amity:
I do here and now affirm my acuity
From whence I gather my elation!
Soon to be partners, walking life's path
Beside one another, to each other's benefit!
A thought that to each does befit,
A sharing and compassionate love we two hath!
From our genesis, humble it was indeed
Came this powerful emotion felt today!
Doubt have I not of it's power to stay,
As was that day our love's seed!
A gathering of two spirits, kindred-
Each to the other- love everlasting, enamored!
Maurice Harris,17 October 2008
poem by Maurice Harris
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To Her, I Am Just 'Moe
To most, I am Maurice-but to her, I am just 'Moe';
To most, I must explain everything, but with her, we both just know
What the other is thinking, at any given time:
We could not live OUR dreams, until we were both prime!
With others, I am quite the enigma;
With others, she must face a perceived stigma
Attached by those, who know not, our ardor:
This is a posit, with which we care not, barter!
With others, the love needs further explication-
With others, there lives varied negative sentimentation-
Yet, with us, nary does there exist doubt;
Any that may linger, we cast it out!
poem by Maurice Harris
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I Long
I long to be safe, in the arms of an Angel-
Far away from here, in her loving solace.
Perhaps I can simply close my eyes, and, well-
Go there, wheresoever she may posit.
I long to be 'better'-to feel whole again;
Perhaps I may be able to rebuild
A once-amazing man-but, where do I begin?
I may only endeavor as God has willed.
I long to feel loved, as I know I may;
Perhaps I may never know, yet shall endeavor
Still the same-as 'never' I cannot say.
As is now though, my heart's glee is as it has never
Been before, and surely never shall again-
Until the morrow, when doubled all again!
poem by Maurice Harris
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Until You Are Near
Though I would wait an eternity,
I know each day would be agony;
No amount of time, nor distance
Can serve to extinguish my resistance
To this doubt, that lingers every day:
When shall I see you again, I may never say,
Nor might I affect same, in any way-
I am now under the control of others' sway!
My acquiesence they shall ne'er gain,
Nor shall my righteous indignation wane,
In the face of this most egregious crime-
No manner of distance, no matter of time
May ever serve to end this anguish, -
Until you are near, this Father's heart shall languish!
-Maurice Harris,2 July 2011
poem by Maurice Harris
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I Have Not A Choice
I cannot breathe, I cannot sleep;
I have but one more promise to keep,
To MY King of Kings, Lord of Hosts:
To TRULY covet the ONE I love the most,
In all the ways I promised I would,
And for all the days I KNOW I should,
To PROVE to the world it is FOR His Good-
This is the purpose He Divined I could
Stay upon this Earth, to do;
Beloved, I do so very much, love you!
All you shall ever want, all you shall ever admire-
THIS then becomes my every Earthly desire:
To provide same, to you, and for you-
I have not a choice-I do so very much, adore you!
-Maurice Harris,3 February 2012
poem by Maurice Harris
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All Of My Love
All of my love, now coffered
Whence needed, fastly offered-
Ever-present, yet now I must hide-
Whence wanted, my arms open wide!
Whatest so ever you shall need,
I shall be- your call for 'calm' I do now heed!
For an instant in time, your heart I did hold,
Alas, our story, only beginning to be told!
A love, as our's, shuttered at it's reveal-
Only but a prelude to how it shall feel!
Now I do step to love's sideline-
Awaiting it's more befitting timeline!
Nary is there to fret of it's wither or vanish
Ne'er could a heart send this beauty to banish!
Maurice Harris,2 December 2008
poem by Maurice Harris
Added by Poetry Lover
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