They survive
still alive
can no longer thrive
They are all around us
are past by thousands
some given a second chance
not many perform a joyous dance
If only man would help
no more on the streets
most don't care
what they wear
must be a cardboard box
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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He prowls among the dogs
With fearless pride
Dogs attack him
He does not run, nor hide
The cockiness in his walk
As he troddens from step to step
The dogs chase him
With unrelentless effort
He reverses the attack
As we laugh with glee
The Rascals run
A cat chases dog
How can this be?
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Sweet Melissa
I loved you yesterday
as the oceans raveled
as the northern lights cracked
as the earth rumbled
you say you LOVE me
I hurt you so
only a short time ago
never letting me go
I want you to know
I will remain your husband
for the rest of my life
If you will have me always
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Swaggered Blonde
Young lady
I feel the beauty
in your eyes
I hear the magic
in your thighs
with your long locked
blond hair, everywhere
You reminded me of a past
an angel in disguise
often in many of my
dawns early light
simple gazes of you
knowing you and everything in my life
are going to be
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Quickened Critique
Comments keep coming
As the rivers flow
Endless verse in sight
Which way do I go?
I must continue to pen
Until the day that I die
Write of all lifes'
Hypocrites, still worry
Some may say
I have no taste
No talent in sight
So, therefore my friends, I bid you all adeu
To all a
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Snowbirds Hope
We, who live in cold winters
Have impatience
For spring comes slowly
Hopes and dreams of daffodils, tulips and lillys
Buddings open as a turtle crawls
Melt oh snow
We yearn for springs grand entrance
Bees buzzin'
Seedlings germinate
We can only hope for
Pray for
A peacful spring
Please, don't be late
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Kamryn from Kansas
A new little star is born
so beautiful and bright
she is so cute and frail
from Lords shining light
plenty of LOVE
that spreads all around
smiles from head to toe
even when cuddled
upside down
we don't see much of mommys mug
on the book anymore
cause Kamryn took over
with little pink doll pics
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fake Love
How do I feel
now that you've used me
knowing that love can't see
what can I say
now that you're gone
anything I say
would just come out wrong
I feel so ashamed
for being so free
with my heart
my kindness
and honesty
You've taught me lesson
it's one I've learned well
Fake Love is a lie
A lie born in hell
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sarcastic Sandy
Many were beckoned
you and you alone left a path
destructive masses of wind and water
death consumed
the north east coast
smothered with sand
homes and livelihoods crushed
to smithereens
we're human
we survive
glad your a freak of nature
so glad you left
while we prepare for
your next relative to arrive
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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An Institutional Cast of Charecters
Lying, cheating, will full deceit
what else can a liberal arts institution
this constant personal degradation
all across this depleting nation
I've never seen a religious, pray to GOD school
demean low wage earners
with their politics, nepotism and evil
I can no longer turn
the other cheek
GOD bless the meek
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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