God's Pefection
I'm often looked on as imperfect because I have a disability,
but I'm not.
By God's hands I was created.
By God's grace I did awake this morning.
By God's words I do live.
So even through by some human eyes I may seem imperfect
By God's eyes I am perfection.
poem by Lore Me34
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Clouded Mind
I try to think of other things but my mind clouded.
Clouded with the smell of her hair;
The sensation of her touch;
The sparkle in her eyes,
and the taste of her sweat when a passionate moment arises.
As I said I try think of other things but I can't.
She clouds my mind.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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One Cool Cat
She slithers around always on the prowl.
She’s one cool cat.
She stares at you with her piercing green eyes;
as if she knows where all the secrets are you are trying to hide.
She’s one cool cat.
But most of the day she just like to sit and chillax.
She’s one cool cat.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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What is This.....
What is this I'm feeling?
I have never felt this before.
My heart is beating faster than it has ever beaten.
My pulse is racing as if It's in the Indy 500.
My throat is dry as the Sahara.
Yet my body pores are sweating a river.
What is this I'm feeling?
Oh this feeling is love.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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If I Was a Tree
If I was a tree my roots would be planted in the soil where Shakespeare walked. My branches would sprout from the likes of Browning, Whitman, Wheatly, Dunbar, Hughes and Angelou and in the spring my leaves would blossom with my own words. So a poet I would be even if I was a tree.
poem by Lore Me34
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You Are
You are my destiny
You are a dream come true.
You are the only one I need, want
And love.
You are the reason my heart beats.
You are the air that I breathe.
You are the better half of me.
You are all those things
And you are so much more.
You are everything that’s
What you are.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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Beauty is Me
Look at me I am beautiful.
There are those who see me
as grotesque just because
I have a few scares and a disability
But beauty is me.
Look at my beautiful eyes;
my beautiful lips, legs and hips.
I got all the right curves.
Beauty is me.
Yea I got scares and a disability
But beauty is me.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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The say this is the land of the free and home of the brave.
I guess they meant unless you are gay.
Because if you are gay you are not free to marry;
You are not free to have or raise a baby.
You are not even free to join the boy scouts;
if you come out.
Land of the free and home of the brave;
Not if you are gay.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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I am Alone
I sit here alone with my thoughts;
and as I reflect I begin to realize I am alone.
I have no lover so when it comes to love I am alone.
...No children of my own so when it comes to family I am alone.
No real friend that I can count on; so once again I am alone.
I am not bitter of sad about this fact.
All I am is alone.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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On the Phone
I heard just a voice on the phone.
I never knew words could turn me on.
But her soft sensual voice and her
verbal description peak my interest.
And the more she talked the more
excited I became. But when she
became breathless that when I
reached my full climax.
I never knew words could turn me on.
But they did on the phone.
poem by Lore Me34
Added by Poetry Lover
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