I'd love to have you on a rainy day
I'd love to have you on a rainy day
Tucked in a chair, my head against your knee
To sit and dream with. Sometime you must be
My home-sharer whom rain can't keep away.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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I have two wings
I have two wings
To raise me to the skies.
Withouten these
My soul could never rise.
My shining friends,
All white and gold are ye
Who make my soul
A winged victory.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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Machinist's Song
The foot of my machine
Sails up and down
Upon the blue of this fine lady's gown.
Sail quickly, little boat,
With gifts for me,
Night and the goldy streets and liberty.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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My heart is a pomegranate full of sweet fancies
My heart is a pomegranate full of sweet fancies,
To crimson with sunshine and swell with the dew.
Warmed by your smile and besprent by your glances
See, it has opened for you!
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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I found an orchid in the valley fair,
I found an orchid in the valley fair,
And named it for us both,
And left it there.
Two flowers upon one stem, white-souled, alone.
I couldn't pull them up,
And bring them home.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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I have a sister whom God gave to me;
He formed her out of trouble and the mists of the sea.
Like Aphrodite, she came to me full-grown.
Oh, I am blest forever with a sister of my own.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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I bought a red hat
I bought a red hat
To please my lover.
He will hardly see it
When he looks me over,
Though it's a fine hat.
Yet he never misses
Noticing my red mouth
When it's shaped for kisses.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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Pink eucalyptus flowers
Pink eucalyptus flowers
(The flowers are out)
Are scented honey sweet
For bees to buzz about.
Pink eucalyptus flowers
(The flowers are out)
Are fair as any rose
For us to sing about.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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Raging winter wind
'Raging winter wind
Let loose in springtime
What is the message your cold touch brings?'
Spite of days and dreams,
Warm and easy and sublime,
Terror crouches always at the heart of things.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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Girl's Love
I lie in the dark
Grass beneath and you above me,
Curved like the sky,
Insistent that you love me.
But the high stars
Admonish to refuse you
And I'm for the stars
Though in the stars I lose you.
poem by Lesbia Harford
Added by Poetry Lover
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