I Am Unigue
I couldn't become the best.
I couldn't become worse than all.
I couldn't become as the rest.
So? What is left?
Yes, my dear friend Nick!
You have to know that…
I am unique! :)))
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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The one who doesn't sow
The one who doesn't sow
will never get the harvest
and lives on others good.
The one who understands it
is the wisest.
That one
will gather heavy harvest
from any little rood.
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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My heart
I have asked my heart:
Can I love if we are far apart?
And I've heard my heart's voice:
You always have a choice,
but even if your brain is too smart
listen to me, to your heart.
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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Take care
Don’t regret about the past!
Live today as the last!
Don’t guess what will happen!
Somehow you’ll adapt in.
Take care of what you have now!
But, please, don’t ask me how!
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hello, Darling!
- Hello, darling!
- Hello, starling!
- How are you, beauty?
- How are you, cutie?
- All is well, honey.
- All is well, sunny.
- Please, let’s stop this game!
Have you also forgotten my name?
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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I am so sorry for you
I am so sorry for you
A man who is made of wood.
I am so sorry for you
A man who will never be understood.
I am so sorry for you
The one who has no heart.
I am so sorry for you!
We'll always be apart.
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lost Passport
Lost passport in the name of Peter Smith
(it’s true and not a myth)
Was successfully returned,
For a certain consideration,
Without any frustration,
To Shukri Ahmad Abed Abu Rushid
For the wide world’s need.
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Message
Send a message saying:
I am so sad.
Different answers you’ll get.
Are you sick?
Don’t be weak!
What’s happened?
Why are you saddened?
Do you need a napkin?
And only a true friend will answer:
I am coming!
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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A man has to know
A man has to know how to cook, to sew and knit
And may be to iron a bit.
But it’s only in one case
Which you have to face.
Even saying “honey”
He doesn’t know how to earn money.
Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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It was the dark night
It was the dark night,
the 31st of October.
Shakespeare didn’t sleep.
His thoughts were so deep.
He waited for a witch to come
to finish his drama,
to find the conception
of love deception.
Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)
poem by Larisa Rzhepishevska
Added by Poetry Lover
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