Everyone wants something
Poets bleed for their art
writers need the muse
artists want passion
musicians need the blues.
Lovers want love
loners need to be alone
children like friends
singers need the tone.
Dancers need the rhythm
actors need a stage
drummers crave the beat
workers want a wage.
Everyone wants something
a prisoner longs to be free
I no longer want anything
I'm happy just being me.
poem by Kevin Halls
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Shrek the Doorman
Twenty stone
six foot four
he's the bouncer
on the door.
Broken nose
tattooed neck
nicknamed Ogre
or Mr Shrek.
If your drunk
he'll chuck you out
and if your gobby
you'll get a clout.
He used to wrestle
used to box
weapon hidden
down his socks.
Dangerous man
is Mr Shrek
giant head
on massive neck.
[...] Read more
poem by Kevin Halls
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The Kingfisher
Sitting still on the overhanging branch
this beautiful creation of bright colours.
Vivid Blue with a flash of Orange,
what a spectacular bird you are.
Then a quick lightening dive
coming back with little fish
what a terrific hunter you are.
Proudly you sit on your branch
brightening up the drabness
what a colourful bird you are.
Your such a wonderous sight
small but big on style
what a super bird you are!
poem by Kevin Halls
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England dear old England
Fish and Chips
cup of tea
bucket and spade
a dip in the sea.
Walking the dog
a pint and a pie
Cricket in the park
a kite in the sky.
Reading the paper
sat on a bench
fishing in the canal
for Carp and Tench.
Castles and palaces
Dickens and Shakespeare
walking through the fields
country pubs and beer.
This is my England
the place of my birth
and I couldn't live anywhere else
as England is the best place on Earth!
poem by Kevin Halls
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A face in the clouds
I looked up at the sky
all I could see were clouds
big ones like mashed potato.
One looked like a map
of the United Kingdom
another shaped like Spain.
But there amongst these
was a beautiful face
and it looked like you.
Was my mind playing tricks?
but I looked up again
and it was still there
all white and so clear.
This beautiful face in the sky
put there just for me
then it changed and it was gone
just like you.
poem by Kevin Halls
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Who Can You Trust Anymore?
Can you really trust people?
because they can let you down
they can say one thing but
can do the complete opposite.
I'll never leave she may say
but she goes anyway
then you don't trust again
you become cynical and bitter.
Then you open up again
but then it happens once more
you lose all faith in people
who can you really trust?
Then you realise something
there is someone you can rely on
and that person is yourself.
poem by Kevin Halls
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Autumn leaves blow around
slowly Winter creeps on forward
bringing an icy chill to the air.
Frost in the morning carpets the fields
above the Blue skies change to Grey
darkness moves on in early.
As winds whistle a song in the trees
below Squirrels squabble with birds over food
Snowdrops pop their heads out of the earth.
This is Winter the cold season
the prelude to Spring
to some harsh and bleak
others very beautiful.
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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Words are a powerful tool
Words can be cruel
and they can be kind
words can touch the heart
and invade the mind.
Words can be a weapon
as sharp as any knife
they can bring despair
and ruin someone's life.
But words can bring joy
and hope and cheer
words used wisely
can wipe away fear.
Words, words, words,
created in the mind
used to be nasty
or to be kind.
So watch your words
there a mighty tool
they can make you look smart
or an insensitive fool!
poem by Kevin Halls
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A silly short poem
Have to keep this poem short
as I'm going out very soon
it's a very silly one really
about the Sun and the Moon.
The Sun is extremely hot
and it's high up in the sky
but if we didn't have it
we'd all definitely die.
The Moon gets walked on
and comes out at night
werewolves bark at it
which gives us all a fright.
I'll have to end it now
but I hope you've learnt a lot
remember the Moon is strange
and the Sun is very very hot!
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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Time for a short poem
Short poems are great
they don't take very long
as they're only a few verses
the words won't be spelt wrong.
They can be about anything
as long as they rhyme
and because there short
it don't take much time.
This one isn't about much
in fact nothing at all
the reason it isn't long
is because I'm off to the Football.
So that's the end of this poem
as I'm now off to the match
but before the game kicks off
time for a few beers and a batch!
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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