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Joyce Hemsley

True Hearts

in the sunshine
you may see me in spring
down leafy lanes, over the moor
anxious to meet a dear friend I adore
keeping in touch means so much.
A rendezvous we'll share
in the sunshine

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Oh Lucky Me


And Son of mine
How dear you are to me
Cathy and Rob our love is true
Conversations bring happiness anew
We face the sadness together
And ~ we'll never falter
I thank Son and

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Dear Brother in Heaven

The archived days
Spent in an infant class
Twins we were born in September
All innocence and merriment was ours
Years flew by, but still I remember
Lessons for the infants
Learning was so

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Sweet September

When August is a declining ember
Enter in, sweet September...
Now comes the time for changing colour,
Miracles unfold, green to amber and gold.
How well my heart and I remember
My birthday month ~ sweet September.

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O Those Love Lyrics


Aaron Presley
renowned rock & roll star
August was the month he left us
no time for goodbyes to his dear guitar
a shock left our hearts a-hurting
because we were always
so in love with

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As We Like It

Forty words:

Our love is a Shakespeare Play
Romance from faraway
Just how we wish it to be
From miles and miles across the sea.
Heaven without end!
You make it so my friend...
Forever let it be an Act III Fantasy.

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Happy British Town


West Midland town
A place of various trades
Known for its leather and metal
And a library housing great paintings
Walsall Football Club is popular
also the shopping parade
Archives smile on

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Great Seat Of Learning

The Queen's Anniversary Prize
has recently been awarded to
Oxford University, seat of learning
for the intelligentsia of Britain and
many other countries of the world.
Our sincere congratulations apply.

November 2009.

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Magic To The Ear

Forty words:

Soon I shall hear a classical poem
A sonnet of life's golden days.
Come, sit at my side
May musical rhyme abide.
Tell of our love tender and dear
Wonderful love true and sincere
'Oh talented poet of the year'.

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After All The Years

and so nonchalant
her husband just didn't care
that on their 'anniversary' date
his pretty wife would be elsewhere
love had become slightly stale
O why were they so distant
cold of heart and
After all the Years?

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