Romans 12: 2
My young subtle mind
bent by the worldly wind...
almost rented, almost kissing the ground -
as weak as it had been,
is now stretched out towards the heavens.
No wind, no matter how strong...
nor storm can ever bend
my mind again.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Foolish Life
What a foolish life I've lived!
I loved and failed...
and loved again and failed;
I tried to unlove but failed.
And what a foolish life to live!
I looked back to my wasted years
and knew there'd be no wasted tears
from you...from the only one
I tried to unlove but failed.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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You have a nameless soul.
You may come to me with different names
I don't mind-
I knew you long before this world...
i loved you then, i knew you then.
Thus I don't mind if your soul is nameless;
for if it ever had a name
it must have been 'MINE'...
for u are mine forever and u must be mine.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Tears streaming through my poems,
wounded words sailed through the oceans.
The night outside has wings
strong enough to sweep my soul away.
Wires were strung across a sunset sky,
wounded lines sailed by and by.
Darkness left as I crept to my bed,
nothing can happen
more beautiful than death.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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To Me
It wouldn't matter, I think to me
if time passed by unnoticed, idle, uncared;
for minute after minute is the same
and tomorrow is no worse than today
nor is the night better than the other...
even if the stars chose to stay.
it wouldn't matter, I think, to me
whose misery is living another day.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Death
You were my happiness,
but now my misery.
My truth, but now- lies;
my only dream
that turned into a nightmare;
my smile but now my tears;
my joy but now my agony;
my blessing but now my curse;
my source of love,
but now- hatred;
My only need,
but now- unwanted.
You were my life...
but now my death.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Heart, believe me
Heart, believe me.
That was just a night...
How fool it is for my mind
to linger his words this way;
to trace every curve of his lips
and to flip a shadow of his pretty hair.
Oh, how fool it is for my mind
to think of him this way.
Heart, believe me.
That was just a night;
and I became a fool forever.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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I Sowed for Sorrow
In my inner grove, I sowed for sorrow.
Oh, how it grew below my skies,
such marvelous sight in my eyes.
I lived for sorrow -
till it grew too large in my grove,
I wept;
and watered my sorrow with tears.
I sowed for sorrow till it lived
and grew so strong, so fine.
It lived to take away my life...
It lived and then I died.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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x22-I Never Was
Did you fear death?
-No.I feared pain but the fear of it
is worse than pain itself.
Did you hate love?
-No.I loved another with all my heart,
and now, love's all i got.
But still you chose this lonely road?
-I did.It's all because he was my life.
Were you his love? Were you his life?
-(sighs and slowly fades) I think I never was.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Every memory of you sleeps in me.
At times I wake in them
and then you're mine again.
Every memory of you sustains me.
At times I fell on them
then I see your face again.
I fell for you as the rain should fall;
bringing me memories, old memories to replenish me..
sweet memories to sustain.
At times I hold on to them
and then I'm alone again.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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