A Friend Like You
I need a friend,
A friend like you,
A friend that will always be here with me through my roughest times,
Everyone needs a friend like you,
You have always been there for me through my roughest times,
You are a great friend,
Greatest friend I can ask for,
You’re my best friend,
A friend that everyone needs,
A friend like you indeed a great friend,
I am glad that I have you as my friend.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Never Give Up
Never give up on your dreams, hopes, or anything,
Never give in on anything,
When you fall just get back up again,
When you lose just try again,
When all fails,
Just try again,
Close your eyes make a wish forever I am yours forever you are mine,
Never give up on me,
I will never give up on you,
Always and forever I am yours,
I will always remain in your heart long as if you remain in mine.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Stand Down
Push me down,
Make me cry,
Hate me not,
We say that we would be together forever,
Are you ready to hear the truth,
Shut up,
Sit down,
Listen up,
This is what I have to say,
I would never love you like I did before,
Stand down,
Don’t tell me who I should love,
Are you ready to move on yet,
Stand up,
Be a man and tell me was I the girl you dream about,
Stand down,
We are over for good.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Watching You in Pain
Watching you in pain it hurts me,
It hurts to know that you had to let me go,
This girl,
This child you no longer know of,
Yet you still hold on to me,
The day I walked out of that door,
Was the day you were in pain,
I miss your touch,
I miss the way you hold me,
I miss how you used to tuck me into bed,
I just miss you dad,
Watching you go away into the darkness,
I know I be seeing you again.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Theres No Label In Me
I have no label,
I have a life to live,
I have a family that cares for me,
Why label yourself,
Why choose to be emo, goth, prep, or whatever,
Can you answer that yourself,
Can find the answers I seek in this poem,
I have no label,
I am me,
I have found me,
My life is a cycle,
It runs around in circles,
Theres no label in me,
Don't label yourself until you know what your are or who you are.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Come Back
I need you back,
My world is black,
You have made me smile,
Made me beyond the gray clouds,
Made me see there is more to life,
I want you back
I am weak without you,
Come back please,
I need you,
I want to be with you,
All I ever wanted to be with you,
I had my share of broken heart,
You had your share of broken heart,
But the more I realize,
I realize that my feelings I once had is forever gone.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Underneath all this pain,
You’ll see a hidden tears,
Within those tears there is a shadow,
A shadow of her lost dreams and hopes,
So spill her life,
Slid her wrist,
Cut her open,
Say goodnight,
Farewell to all,
You won’t see the pain you have caused,
No more life,
No more me,
Just sold herself out,
Underneath the makeup,
There is a girl,
A girl that was lost,
Until her life ended,
This girl is me.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Now I see that you are pushing me away,
The scars remain as my pain,
I can see that my veins are full of scars,
Scars of remaining past,
Scars from all those cutting,
Scars from all the pain I went through,
Love is vain,
The rain might pour down,
But nothing has stop me from seeing the scars I have left behind,
Nothing can’t stop me from seeing the remaining scars,
All my scars, all my memories remain as my pain.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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Suicide is my thought of dying,
Crawling out of hole I made,
Suicide is my only way out of my pain I feel,
Explain why I can’t kill or hurt myself,
This is priceless for every suicidal thoughts,
The thoughts that runs through my head,
The things you have said,
The way you racquet me,
The way you make fun of me,
This is why I want to die,
Suicide is my only way out,
The way out of the pain you have caused me see.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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You make me feel invisible,
So painful to see that you don’t see me,
Your not the only one that feels the way I do,
Invisible is what I become,
To be hated,
To be drift away,
Wash out the pain,
Make a happy ending,
No more tears,
No more feeling this way,
I rather be hated by you then feeling invisible,
Ignore me,
I shall ignore you,
Lets start from scratch,
Act like we never met,
Instead you make me feel invisible.
poem by Jennifer Rondeau
Added by Poetry Lover
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