Is Multiculturalism A Disaster Feb 21st 2011
Has multiculturalism become a monstrous disaster?
Strange language ghetto schools with their own strange headmasters,
Dividing old Canadians from new Canadians and much more,
Shut off behind a politically correct locked school doors.
Has multicultural ideas allowed this to come about?
Should we think about throwing multiculturalism out?
Or are Canadians being divided into this or that?
Where being united has as much appeal as a flying bat.
Has multiculturalism taken on the form of a religion?
A sickness not too different than a form of drug addiction?
Is multiculturalism a national poison taking effect?
Should we go to the doctor and get a medical check?
Feb 21st,2011
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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A War Over There
It seems they are always having a war somewhere over there,
And the loosing side is calling the UN to come and take care,
Sometimes it’s religion, sometimes it’s national or even tribal,
And the UN makes an announcement as though they are liable.
Certain UN members are then expected to go forth and win,
Otherwise it could be a UN diabolical sin,
Canada is among those states that they are inclined to choose,
No referendums, plebiscites, propositions or reviews.
They refused to let Canada in Security Council place,
Not politically correct enough though right in our face,
Has the UN became more trouble than we deserve?
Could we pull out of the UN or do we have the nerve?
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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You Too Will Eventually Die Oct 28th,2012
Death without dignity is the fear of losing control,
To be totally dependent on others is not your goal,
Maybe for a long time before you eventually die,
You may be almost dead; you cannot talk or even ask why?
There is no suicide grey area - it's all black and white,
It's a crime in Canada and a long legal courtroom fight,
But not in Oregon or Washington or Switzerland,
You can die in dignity there and they all understand.
Because here; death-with-dignity is hidden under the rug,
Where priests and magistrates and religious bishops all shrug,
You will not forget as you get nearer death, what this is about,
And a forthcoming painful death could cause you to have no doubt.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Nothing Is Allowed To Change
No propositions, referendums or judicial reviews,
Never allowed plebiscites so we never get much to choose,
Therefore less than half Canadians even bother to vote,
And our politicians tend to think this is great, as they gloat.
If politicians refuse to see problems; there’s no need to fix,
They are locked into their secret party agenda and tricks,
It is not politically correct to mention any change,
No recall or referendums will ever be arranged.
And how dare you even think outside the box,
Ideas like that might cause a political party shock,
And if you keep that up they may even close down the Internet,
Less than half Canadians vote so no one can torment.
Jan 31st,2011
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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What's This War About Mar 5th 2011
Can we afford to be involved in an ongoing war?
It must be very expensive and what ever for?
Oh, I know, human rights in a far away insignificant place,
And all the politically correct all want to show their face.
Alexander the Great went to Afghanistan and came back,
Even then it was obvious that strange place was way out of whack,
Does anyone know whether we are winning or loosing there?
Why do I count coffins on the Highway of Heroes in this affair?
Canadians need binding referendums like the Swiss,
Maybe then we could impress the politicians about this,
Did the UN get us into this and who can get us out?
Am I the only one to wonder what this is all about?
Mar 5th,2011
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Has The Un Gone Over The Deep End?
The UN was a great organization when it started out,
But that was a lifetime ago and now we have some doubt,
Different and odd groups seem to have taken UN control,
They seem to have a very Durban III attitude and goal.
Politically correct media reluctant to find fault,
Seldom mentioned the Durban II anti Israeli assault,
And their Durban III effort next year makes no sense at all,
New York is a fairly peaceful place so no need for to a brawl.
I’m not sure how much of the UN is under their control,
Has anyone ever done a UN public opinion poll?
9/11 and Durban II on that same weekend long ago,
Am I missing something here or is there something I don’t know?
Dec 29th,2010
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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No binding referendums or death with dignity allowed,
No compulsory voting set by the establishment crowd,
And what media moguls don’t like, is swept under the rug,
Nothing can change so the Ottawa bureaucracy is smug.
No death penalty allowed by the politically correct,
But appointed Supreme Court allowed abortion-clinics defect,
Activists want injection sites for criminal drug addicts,
Maybe in between the abortion clinics but no conflicts.
And convicts seem to have little problems getting a weekend pass,
By soft parole boards or wardens or some other jackass,
But binding referendums are forbidden and not allowed,
And they wonder why so few bother to vote under this cloud.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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We Almost Forgot
Should we try to avoid getting ourselves in a knot?
About the separatists in Quebec which we almost forgot,
Can we sit silent for another hundred years not knowing?
Or should we get some changes to the constitution going?
But the media moguls announce that everything is great,
Therefore there is no need to sit down and have this debate,
Is Trudeau’s Charter not enough to keep everything calm?
Is everyone getting excited instead of just going along?
Should we have recall and referendums in a new constitution?
Or would that add to what we already have – confusion?
Should we elect senators and those in the Supreme Court?
And who should we talk to for information and support?
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Old Comrades
Many of my old comrades in arms, are now long dead,
Names written in my memories and stories no longer said,
At association meetings where memories are fading fast,
And I sometimes wonder, how much longer these good times will last.
I'm sorry to even say this but soon enough I too will be dead,
And you will too and it might even be you first, instead,
We just don't know the score, the when, the where or the why,
But we have no death-with-dignity when we lie down to die.
But we do have democracy, they often announce,
While binding referendums is something else they denounce,
We just have no political influence where it should count,
And if we do, it's a small insignificant amount.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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More Referendums Aug 23rd,2012
Quebec separatists are not foreigners; they're us,
They want a referendum to cause Ottawa a great fuss,
We ourselves should also have a referendum and maybe two,
Binding referendums and Death with Dignity are overdue.
Ottawa trying to buy Quebec with equalization money,
Hidden in some government program and not very funny,
We all should be delighted to partake in two referendums soon,
National referendums interfering in their Quebec cocoon.
Our problem is not Quebec separatists but we ourselves,
Without referendums; we're like stuff forgotten on old shelves,
Two referendums with the separatists; means common ground for all,
Do more for Canada than Ottawa aristocrats, not on call.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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