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Hal Burke


what secrets you must have ancient one
how many lovers have you seen
how many have reflected,
bouncing their unspoken wants off your Orb
Ah, my friend
i longingly gaze upon you

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Look Out

she's a comin, the northerly!
a slight westerly thrown in by the looks,
lol doesn't know what she wants
hot and bothered,
travelled from afar she has
wait, waiting
rain she brings with,
quench my aching please

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So Wrong

social collective
care not
hyenas, all
head high
this, so right
wrong? whole being says nay!
for us do prey
tis the way
present must-
prey to be!
not for future
nor wishes
fleeting, these
gaps that fill,
our existence

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Oh silent one,
vows enforced
timeless voyouer, life giver
forgive them!
each generation forgets;
palms placed on thee;
forgiveness, begged
rings of time, wise they become
finally- they begin to see!
....have faith flag bearer

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Battle Prayer For You And Yours

refrain, abstain
give the busards nothing
grow my friend,
gather onto one self;

who wins next game
declared; champion of the universe!
friend remember; each minute, hour and day
the game is on...

ye be strong for,
the verse is yours

poem by Hal BurkeReport problemRelated quotes
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Hurry Up

i blink and the time is near
oh, how i have waited
my intelligence intrudes-
silly boy, what goes here?

when i see her
if i see her-
will i rush,
reserved? ?
hold her hand,
i am steeled for this deed
squeeze, privately shared
words unspoken

poem by Hal BurkeReport problemRelated quotes
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'tis not the right time'! ! !
those haunted words, ringing
trapped; walls closing in from afar
sound of ones mortality,
hands of time paralysed, quivering
against unknown forces,
pestilence bearer of the unwanted-
blew in on my loved one's breath

poem by Hal BurkeReport problemRelated quotes
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The Cup

Thy cup runneth over
drain, must!
loved one beware
seams fraying, straining
famished, must feast
tasteless fog engulfing all,
loved one beware
grasp, tear, smother
by God,
a thousand Gazelles could'nt,
hold thy back

Madam, please prepare

poem by Hal BurkeReport problemRelated quotes
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Truth...Like A Kick To The Head..Hay Ya

Truth! ! ! No longer yearned for
hidden, though ever so present,
hunger for no more..

Time! weathered edges worned
content to witness, feel
afar, your rumblings!
smother, need not no more.

Truth; walk your own way,
support and care..
MY pleasure, MY pain
Can't Deny no more...

poem by Hal BurkeReport problemRelated quotes
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Kimberley Spinifex Burning

Travel far we did, thou not forever and ever.
Things, Unspoken conquered, words not
Enough............please! ! !
as I,  Hold dear the Unspoken!
Ours to keep in storage; the
 tinder and offcuts, now ignited.
That Fire, NO more! Stifled by mans Gods.
Wild and free, let the wind take thee...

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