Made a normal call,
To the hole in the wall.
Card was inserted,
Pin punched and waited.
‘Card held', screen stated,
Withdrawal was belated!
On the screen line,
‘Card not withdrawn in required time'!
"Bloody What"!
Was ‘BEADLE' about.?
JUNE 2005
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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Would You?
Plane down, in mountain waste,
Unimaginable choice they faced.
Hopes fading fast, they won't last,
Injured among the dying and dead,
'Unnatural'thoughts in more than one head.
Friends you've know, 'consume your own'!
To stay alive, to survive.
Hunger grew, Would you?
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Day Hell Paid A visit.
The essence of England on a fitting sunny day,
Was about to be blown away.
Anyone in sight was a target to die, ,
Innocence counted for nothing as ‘pellets of death' fly.
Carnage was done, the Devil had been and gone,
But his hellish act will remain on..
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Collective.
Walk in the factory door,
Daily eight hour necessary‘chore'.
The‘bore'is about to begin,
Starting by‘swiping'in.
Get your hypo-spray,
Only‘think'the company way,
Another week another day.
Forty hours, for your‘fake'pay.!
No individual, only collective thought,
Your labour sold and bought.
MARCH 2009
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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Choice Or Not.?
Decision very hard,
To carry a donor card.
Less than 20 per cent,
Give our consent.
Recipients waiting,
Whilst we are deliberating.
Our thoughts are scant,
Regards to a transplant.
Now government plans,
All of us ‘will' donate organs.
If you " opt out " and insist,
Put your name on the list.!
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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No Reason Why
There's no solution, nothing we can prevent,
Says the spokesman for the government.
To help the little girl and her condition,
Although it is a sad situation.
So unless you are a famous daughter and son,
For want of money, your operation will be done.
Left to a king, from a foreign land,
To donate, to lend a hand.
No, no reason why,
Why this girl should die.
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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Barns the cat,
who knows where it's at.
He torments the dog,
as she sleep like a log.
Jumping at the dog through the air,
bouncing, darting across the floors,
On the tables and chairs,
clawing cupboards and doors.
He's got no cares.
Walks up the walls,
taking no notice of ‘get down' calls!
Yes Barns the cat,
who know where it's at!
guy lipmore.
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fallen soldiers returning back,
Draped in the'Union Jack'.
Silence on the tarmac,
As the coffins disembark.
Wootton Bassett, through the fallen are driven,
Every resident all respect given.
Lowered flags another painful session,
Of a'regular'procession.
family and friends, flowers thrown,
Amid wailing, some are placed.
Silent grief and tears shown,
As their reality is faced.
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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Get The Balance Right.
Commitment is made, to live and love.
Don't let the colour fade, below or above.
You've got to give and take, right down the line.
If you don't, things will break everything that is going fine.
Admit when you are wrong, being right is not to pretend,
Balance the weak and strong, maintain the right blend.
Just remember, when life doesn't flow, balance the scales,
Deep inside you know, it never fails.
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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Watching Him Die.
Harrowing situation,
Cut to the bone with his affliction.
Invisible disease eating away,
His function and mind in decay.
His wife and best friend,
Whilst trying to understand.
Also just trying to cope,
Hoping against hope.
Wishing for a miracle cure,
As her husband's days get fewer.
Deeply in love, full affection,
Heart breaking decision.
Reluctantly too much on her own,
Professional care required in a home.
poem by Guy Lipmore
Added by Poetry Lover
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