My favorite song
I get lost,
In my favorite song.
All my fears,
All my bad memories,
Go away.
All my good memories,
Come to me.
I remember,
All the good times,
With my family and pets.
My favorite song,
Has made me happy,
Once again.
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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Why is life...
Why is life,
So lonely.
Why is life,
So hard to understand.
Why is life,
Feel so fake.
Why is life,
So shitty.
Why is life,
So full of love.
Why is life,
Full of broken hearts.
Why is life,
Not fun at all.
[...] Read more
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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Mrs. Martin
My favorite teacher,
Of all times,
Is my old sixth grade teacher.
She's known me,
Since I was small.
She's helped me,
With womework and love.
Sweet and nice,
Beautiful and friendly,
My old sixth grade teacher,
Will be my friend,
Til the end.
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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What's so difficult...
What's so difficult,
About the word,
What's so difficult,
About our,
What's so difficult,
What's so difficult,
About the words,
Stay away.
What's so difficult,
Don't talk to me.
[...] Read more
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Cycle
Reasons turns into excuses,
Excuses turns into pleads,
Pleads turns into water,
Water turns into blood,
Blood turns into running,
Running turns into getting caught,
Getting caught turns into jail,
Jail turns into reasons,
And reasons repeat the cycle.
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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I'm Lost
I'm lost,
In many thoughts.
I'm lost,
In frightening thoughts.
I'm lost,
In sad thoughts.
I'm lost,
In upsetting thoughts.
I'm lost,
In fearful thoughts.
I'm lost,
In many ways.
I'm lost,
In many places.
I'm lost,
In my mind.
I'm lost,
Beacause of you.
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lonely life,
Lonely mind,
Lonely heart,
Lonely love,
Lonely fun,
Lonely work,
Lonely talk,
Lonely thoughts,
Lonely death,
Lonely walk,
Lonely run,
Lonely friend,
Lonely crying,
Lonely recess,
Lonely money,
Lonely health,
Lonely kissing,
Lonely loniness...
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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Taste of Blood
The taste of blood,
So sweet and delicous.
I can't get enough,
Of it.
Freshly caught,
Fresh meat,
Blood so pure.
Dense and tasty,
I can't resist,
To drink it.
One dropp on my tongue,
And I'm stuck,
And I get more.
So sweet and great,
Blood is what,
I live on now...
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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Freedom Is
Not being told what to do,
Running anywhere and everywhere,
No rules,
No one making fun of you,
No wars,
No taxes,
No money,
Everything free of price,
No racism,
And more.
Freedom is...
What everyone wants,
But the government,
Doesn't listen.
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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The wordl attacks me,
The guys attack me.
They say mean things,
And do bad things.
I attack them,
But they don't get in trouble.
All they get,
IS spoken to.
And what I get,
Is sent to a different school.
I get mad,
Cause it's unfair,
And I hate that this,
Is happening again.
poem by Dragon Crenshaw
Added by Poetry Lover
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